The Today Show

Nurses General Nursing


Anyone watch this morning? Their medical expert was on giving tips to patients on how to prevent errors while they are in the hospital.

One thing she mentioned was that hospitals (nurses especially) need to go back to being more professional. She mentioned nurses wearing caps or at least going back to wearing white in order to be distinguished from other hospital staff. Matt Laur said he had recently been in the hospital and that nurses are dressing much to casually. Hmmmmmm.......................

briefly saw the segment...i was horrified to hear the "doctor" tell matt that she had called the ed and they were "waiting" for her and her asthmatic daughter. is that reality? :rolleyes: wonder how many "reservations" the ed will be taking today:-)

they call this having pull, yes dr kma, we will push out that nurse's child to make room for your darling beautiful little dtr

Specializes in Long Term Care.

Nursing Patch and Cap.

I like my scrubs, mostly. Especially on days when I start to clean out my closets and find an old top that I didn't think would fit and it did! :roll

All joking aside, I wore all white, my cap, pin and patch on Halloween. You know the whole "New Grad" is the scariest thing on two feet joke. Well, it went over really well with my co-workers. We had a good laugh over it. The residents however took a different view. They thought that it was awesome that they could easily distinguish me from the rest of our crew. Everyone said they wanted to see me like that more often. So to please them, I have taken to wearing the same outfit on casual Fridays.

The whole segment was just really asinine. I object to being portrayed as basically useless. Broadly, media wide that is, nurses are less than respected, and I can't really figure why that is. Before I became a nurse, I was inspired by the GREAT care I was given by Nurses in the L&D and PostPartum Units at St Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction, Colorado. I can't imagine ANY nurse who gives a rat's behind deliberately acting like she or he doesn't have a brain.

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