The New Face of Healthcare

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Everyone wants to be a nurse. Nursing is in high demand. The pay is good. Career stability compared to other professions is good. It's a great time for the nursing profession.

What trends do you see in nursing in the next 10 years? Do you see the nursing profession taking on more responsibilities? The average salary increasing? The nursing workforce increasing?

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Specializes in Pulmonary, Transplant, Travel RN.

Hmmm. I guess its kinda how............people standing on the sidewalk all see a car accident, but every single one of them has a completely different story of what actually happened.

I looked at the cartoon and took it as a jab against older nurses, not younger nurses. Then all the replies droned on and on about Gen-Y people and "why do they hate me just cause I'm young." I kept reading and pretty much every one of them saw it that way instead of mine. Guess I'm odd man out.

I thought the point of the cartoon was how nurses are sticking around because the recession made it impossible for them to retire (spouses laid off or w/e reason). Notice the older nurse has really long, really gray hair. I figured the babies were put there to exaggerate that nurses age and to drive home the point.

I have a lot of fear about downsizing and people being "let go" simply because they get paid a little more. I'm no spring chicken, thats for sure. I'm going for a more advanced degree incase I need to look for something that isn't direct patient care. Maybe my personal fears affected how I interpreted the cartoon.

found this offensive, someone has to start somewhere, at one point some oldies looked like this at one point and not every single nurse is "baby"...I have a 47 yr old in my class and Im economy issues, flexibility issues what forced us to change winds...

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