The Nerve!!!

Nurses General Nursing


This weekend was my first weekend at work. We didn't have much going on Sat, but had 3 hips Sun. The cases lasted from 0800-1500 with no breaks in between. On the weekends, the staff just consists of one crew...that's me, my scrub tech, a CRNA, and a recovery nurse. So, when there are's just the doc and us.

The night RN came in last night for his shift and questioned me about why a linen cart was still in the front hallway. A LINEN CART! He went on to say that this was his "trap for day people" to see if they did anything. I told him we had 3 hips. He then asked "so what did you do after three thirty then?" I couldn't believe he even asked me that....of all the nerve! I know he doesn't have that kind of schedule overnight...they're lucky to get even one case.

So, now I have vowed to NEVER touch that d@$# linen cart. If he wants to lay a trap for me, he can just stick it where the sun doesn't shine. That linen cart will be out in that front hallway every weekend I will not move an inch.

I've even toyed with the idea of putting a sign on it for him saying "GOOD EVENING...WELCOME TO WORK.".

My venting now over, I thank you for listening.


This seems to be a theme that paralells other alied health positions.

Have you ever heard an oncoming shift in any department saying "The shift I follow is just so hardworking and wonderful!"?

It's human nature to think YOU are the hardest worker and YOU are always cleaning up after someone because YOU are the most dedicated professional.

Of any shifts' major pet peeves, regardless of hospital or job description, whining about the previouse shifts' lazy work ethic has got to be at the top.

The aspect of this that is most disturbing is that the nurse in question would have to believe that management somehow sees fit to adequately staff some shifts while leaving his short-staffed. That's the only way to see your shift as being "lazy".

Where do you suppose he got that notion? Perhapse from managements short-staffing strategies over many months or years of bitterness. :devil:

There's no better tool for dividing nurses against nurses like report at shift change. Much to managements glee:(

Wow Peeps - that is great. Didn't you say you are in school? Having a good time with finals this week?

Beware of the headless horseman who gallops around these threads and has tried to cut me down because he thinks if your not an RN, you have no place to offer advice. Sleepy hollow is not always so sleepy.

Sorry about barking. It doesn't mean I am angry. After you express yourself, the emotion is free, and you can feel liberated. Having a thick skin is good, but also can be not so good, as some people become emotionless or "hard boiled"

Contempt usually gets a reaction if directed toward me.

Originally posted by JMP


When you decide to post your comments on things you clearly know nothing about, situations you have NO experience in, and most of the time your posts are, well, somehow intentionally naive.......I feel I have to speak up. If you don't like it, well, too bad.


I don't comment on every post you make- I don't have that kind of time- I work full time and I am in school part time- take a look at when I joined this board and how many posts I have made. Don't be so egocentric.

If you make a post and you are talking about something YOU clearly don't know anything about- like this one, or the "squeaking heart" thing- which, by the way........your latest post makes absoutely NO should seek medical attention........ you put yourself on the board.......... be prepared for correction and or my opinion. That is what it is all about.

JMP, as you also "put yourself on the board", I hope you are "prepared for correction and or my opinion".

First, looking back over the posts in this thread, people suggested many different ways of handling this situation. There is no overall RIGHT way, people were making suggestions. The suggestions were based upon each responders previous experiences or personality. If you don't feel that a certain post or thread applies or is of interest to you, you have the option of not reading it. The originator of this post was looking for input, and Mario gave his input. You don't have to agree with it.

Second, regarding your statement: "I don't comment on every post you make- I don't have that kind of time- I work full time and I am in school part time- take a look at when I joined this board and how many posts I have made. Don't be so egocentric." I did a search of your posts and it seems that you do have posts which respond to Mario in a negative manner. Based upon your responses, it is my opinion that the "ego" lies with you more than with Mario.

Third, I see by your biography that you started as an RN in May 2001. That's less than a year. I'm sure that there is more about nursing that you can learn and will learn as time goes by.

Finally, I've learned over my 20+ years in the workforce that it doesn't matter how many degrees you accumulate, how far you are promoted in your field, or how many years experience you have, if you look hard enough, there is always something you can learn from those less experienced or less educated then yourself. Diversity is a good thing. If everyone posting to these threads were very experienced nurses, you would only see ideas and input based upon that experience. It would exclude the input and opinions of student nurses, unlicensed personnel, and even nurses like you, JMP, who have yet to reach their one year point.

I read these threads because I work with and for nurses. I think that I will be better able to assist the nurses I work with if I have a better understanding of their day-to-day responsibilities and the issues they face. I have no interest in being a nurse - I enjoy what I'm doing now. I was originally interested in this thread, because I have seen CNAs who behave in the same manner as the night RN and was interested in reading the responses. I read responses that I found constructive until I came to your post, JMP. It is my opinion that your post seemed not only egotistical, but a personal attack. However, you have a right to your opinion, just as Mario has a right to his. I would just prefer to read posts that stick to the subject matter of the thread and do not get into personal attacks.

I am a female Mario. Having a stong opinion, and not being afraid to show it, may indicate male traits, but believe me I am WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!

As far as the headless hoorificeperson thing goes- cute and not accurate. It is true you are not a RN, so that part is right. You are not IN nursing school, have not been in health care, so if you post something that is clearly not right, I will give my opinion of the same subject too. I have just as many rights to my educated opinion as you do to yours. I do not cut for the sake of cutting. So the headless thing is off base.



I was a LPN for 12 years before I spent three years in nursing school.

Does that give me the right to speak up when I disagree? YES.

135- if you think this is a personal attack against someone, time to revisit some of the other threads. Lots of people spend time cutting some people down for their level of education, years of experience etc. My basic problem is that Mario often gives opinions, which in a regular chat board, would be OK, I guess. But when the facts are presented in a way that I fundmentally disagree with..... I say so. I have had many years in health care, even worked as a CNA years back between school years, so I guess I have the right to have my own opinion about NURSING related topics, like this one.

This subject, started out about a power struggle and situations related to a nursing enviroment that are particular to that enviroment. I agree with the earlier post, if Mario finds me hard to take, wait until a Dr. is climbing up your frame for something they think you did wrong, a fellow RN screaming because you did or did not do something they felt you should have done.

I had a RN watch me give a bed bath when I was working as a CNA because they thought I was not fast enough. It was humiliating. I still remember how I felt. But I got over it.

Originally posted by JMP


I was a LPN for 12 years before I spent three years in nursing school.

Does that give me the right to speak up when I disagree? YES.

I think you do have the right to disagree, just as Mario or anyone else also has the right to disagree. My point is that rather than giving a rational or logical reason for your disagreement, you seem to turn it into a personal attack. As I've said before, diversity is a good thing. (Do you understand the concept of "group think"?) You can learn a lot from others (even if you percieve them to be less than your social or educational equal) if you are open to it. If you don't feel that someone's advice or input is of value to you, you are welcome to disregard it. Keep in mind, however, that the input may be helpful to someone else.

Well, thats all that my little nurse's aide brain can handle for now. (These complex topics just wear me out).


"Not a nurse, just a cna.............."-135ctv

Hey 135-how about changing your signature to "not a nurse, but a great cna!". I hate seeing someone referred to as "just...." anything!

As far as the linen cart-can't please everyone all the time, and this guy sounds like he has some real control issues! I liked all the suggestions for revenge; they were fun to contemplate. But KC, you got it right in the end-just ignore it and don't stoop to his level. You are a better person than that!

JMP - I still love you :-) You are fine with your suppositions. If you feel nurses and hospital work environments are abstract functions, well, thats okay too. I gain insight from your additude. People are people, I heard. Mario sees all people (nurses too) as having a single factor in common: we're sentient beings. And we all matter.

If the person with the "cart complex" pulled that with me...I'd just move the cart, to make him happy. Thats just me. Of course, by doing that, a measurable amount of people may try to then boss me around, since i did that, and they might attempt to push more stuff on me. Their mental expressions would show, then. I'd place my "root symbol" over their actions and reveal their factors. Maybe they just need some simple addition or subtraction so our lines would become parallel, and not perpendicular. They still gonna have a vertex, and we all agree where the origin is.

Okay - so I will take my algebra final today, and see if i remember any of these analogies in the future. :-)

micro micros in.............

135ctv............good support and thought process...........

mario........gee, did you not know you weren't in nursing school yet.......gee that is right you do.........I remember from previous postings you are in prereq/s now.........and start in fall........great, we need you in our ranks...........and stay on the threads.............

love the headless horsemen analogy.........loved the movie and book also.........

when I signed onto this did not ask if I was a nurse, a cna, a student or a lady bug for that means.........

jmp---------lighten up.............there is a bunch of us here that are women.............and to that I could one of two things or two things cause i can

gee if you ever feel like coming at me, please excuse me if I just ignore the attacks, cause such negativity kills the positiveness of life.............

that kind of attitude is yet another example of nurses eating their young.......better watch it sound pretty young yourself.......lots of old b.......... nurses out could be reading one such b...... nurse reply right here..........

and since when do we nurses get so high and mighty that we think that just because others haven't experienced this so glamorous career yet that they haven't experienced life and other similar situations and that they have opinions and thoughts to share

I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR...........or meow!

and #2, I am a are people too.............

take back in the

mario made a point, you don't have to publicly shadow him.........

or so it seems to more than mario

jmp.............gee you graduated in a nurse..........then let me insert my 0.02.......

I graduated in 1992, been a nurse for over ten years.........respect all in nursing and out of............

I would hunch, but may be wrong(was wrong one other time ;/), but bet I am chronologically older than you also and have had my share of life experiences............. the negativity...........and attacks on has a way of jumping back in your own psyche.............

jmp---------also for the thread the topic.......not attack someone else just cause you can.............there is a moderator on this thread..............and I just may call them on this

and I am entitled to say this as I am woman, am a nurse longer than you, have been on this earth a few years, and gee, get

mellow, love, express, accept and experience,


much love and peace needed in this world

p.s. micro usually very lovable.........but she got a bite, too

Originally posted by JMP

135- if you think this is a personal attack against someone, time to revisit some of the other threads. Lots of people spend time cutting some people down for their level of education, years of experience etc.

And the fact that "lots of people" do this makes it right????? I enjoy a certain amount of disagreement on a thread. It is interesting to read different views on a subject. People have different life experiences and they draw on those experiences when responding to thread topics.

I just think you will be more effective in your argument if you stick to the topic at hand and try to present your views in a logical manner. Resorting to slander and personal attacks only serves to reduce the credibility of your argument.

Micro, I like your response.

RNPD, I sign my name "just a cna" because that is how a lot of people view cna's. I think that I am much more than "just a cna".

Mario, keep posting. I like your attitude and the way that you look at things. As a patient, I'd much rather have a nurse who viewed life the way you do than some ballsy ***** with an attitude.

KC CHICK, maybe you need to take your own advice and "develop a thicker hide". These things happen when you leave school and go out "in the real world" regardless of the field you're in.

I agree with micro *big shock there huh?*

haha JMP please lighten up! I didnt realize that

it took an RN to offer an opinion about a stinking linen cart!

truthfully I have seen you take things the wrong way and "attack back" so its not just Mario

see the thread you yourself started on the dr who gave the ultimatum to smoking patients

and this crazy notion of having to walk a mile in "our shoes" is just that, crazy! I can see that rationale if someone was making an inaccurate statement about something nurse related,but Mario's posts have often been bang on about some topics , you dont have to be an RN to be around the medical profession, last time I checked this was a forum for "all nurses" and since Mario will be a nurse and tries his best to keep up on current hot topics for nurses we should commend him, not beat him to the ground for not having the prestigious *yah right, hey nurse where's my bedpan?* title of RN

just think how you would feel if someone constantly belittled what you had to say and your opinions based on your occupation or something similar

I think there is a way for us to disagree at times

with maturity and civility.

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