The coveted Monday thru Friday job

Nurses General Nursing


I have worked Monday-Friday for the majority of my 18 years as a LPN and am tired of it. Right now I am a MDS Nurse, but have asked to go to the floor (Long story, but in a nutshell the MDS gig is an absolutely horrible job) where I will work 32 hours a week and will be required to work every other weekend. I want to cut back my hours some so this is ideal for me.

In my opinion, five days in a row is tough to do in a LTC facility whether you have an office job or work the floor. When I did have jobs that broke up the week I liked it. I liked having that week day or two off to actually do things.

I will have to work some holidays but getting off at 3p, that won't be so bad.

So how about the rest of you? If you don't already, do you long to work Mon-Fri.? Or do you like having a day or two off during the week?

Specializes in Telemetry, CCU.

I'm currently at a job doing 3 12s but wanting to have an office-type job now because the bedside work is so physically demanding and I've had 4 injuries this past year. It sounds like I'll be missing my random weekday off for errands and appointments but damn I can't afford to hurt my knees and back any more.

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