The CNO-RPN exam makes me feel very hopeless

World International



This is my 3rd time try, which means if I fail this Sep 9th, then I have to go back to college take 8 months course again and pay 6k+ Canadian dollars :cry:

the 1st time pass line was 156, mine is 150, the 2nd was 150 my is 142...........

For prepareing this exam I did lots of work, but I feel all my study are useless, I bought books american edition, I did all review question include CD question, I can say I do not have any problems with American style, but when I am trying to practice PN Guide those questions really confuse me, I bought some samole questions for review from CNO which most close to CNO-RPN exam, but all questions without answer, they do not give you answer, I do not know which one I did is right and which one is wrong, and why, even too difficult to find answer from internet...

Now I feel like I'm blind, lost, and hopeless...

Here is a question about MS, asks "which behaviour whould indicate to the PN that the disease has progressed beyound its early stages?

A. Choking on solid

B. Ataxic gait

C. Report of tingling in extremities

D. Having periodic tremors in extremities



honestly, I have to say I hate CNO

It's sept 2011, and I just wrote my pn canadian exam.

I too felt the frustration with the way the questions were wrote. They were very in depth, compared to the practise book. I bought the cprne study book and did the on line exam you have to pay $70 for. I studied the test booklet with the answers till I could understand it, and i got between 99&100% the day before my exam, and the online I got a 70% propability of passing , so I thought that was good, and I felt confident in myself going in, but second guessed coming out. I too found it hard. Hopefully though I did ok

Specializes in Psychiatry.

The answer to that question is pretty obvious, ataxia gait is always late stage. The tingling of the fingers indicates the formation of peripheral neuropathy which leads to the actual ataxia.

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