4th semester and I failed my first nursing test! Vent/Ramblings

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May I ramble and vent a little please? I failed my first nursing test on Thursday...Guess what...I don't even care! :lol2: It's all my fault, I barely studied, but I'm sooo, so tired, burned out and ready for the final (10/31) and the pinning (12/14). I've never not put effort into my studies, but with my son being so ill (see previous posts-he's doing so well BTW), I just want to pass at this point. I still hold an 89% average in the class, so I'm not worried, but it's kind of liberating not to cry my eyes out over a bad grade. :monkeydance:There are so many more important things in life, right?

Another thing...can we talk about senioritis and the fact that the whole class has it and everyone is getting on everyone elses last nerve? We've always got along reasonably well and now, with everything so busy at the home stretch, it seems everyone is on edge. People are arguing and things are just getting tense and uncomfortable. I didn't go into this to make friends, but I have, really good ones, lifelong ones, and I'd hate for it to be ruined because we're all so stressed out. Can't we all just get along? :lol2:

It seems like yesterday that I was on the pre-nursing student board worrying and fretting over getting accepted, and now here I am, just a few weeks away from the final final exam! Honestly, if I had to do it over....I wouldn't. :lol2: It's was too d*mn hard. Also, I can't say with complete honesty that I would recommend nursing school to anyone, but I'd always be supportive for anyone wanting to enter. I've changed so much over the last few years and have learned so much more than what school has taught me. I've often wondered why nurses I meet never mention nursing school, now I think it may be because it's like childbirth, they block out the pain. :uhoh21:

Anyhow, is anyone else feeling this intense burn-out already? I'm so tired that the thought of work, which was the goal of all of this, makes me want to hibernate. I sincerely hope it's worth it. Please, someone, tell me it's worth it!

I hope everyone is hanging in there and as always...keep on keepin' on!

Thanks for listening. I just needed an ear.

hi soulshine, :icon_hug:

i'm so, so glad to hear your little guy is blossoming.

thank you, God.


burnout, crankiness, impatience, stress is all normal towards the end.

very normal.

just a couple more months and it's over.

so, hang in there.

now is the time to plow forward.

keep it going.

it's more important now than ever.

you and your family have come so far.

but it's not over yet.

let me know when you've gotten your first job?

you have no idea how much i'm counting on you. :balloons:


I'm only that happy when I PASS a test! (but I'm only in semester one)

hi soulshine, :icon_hug:

i'm so, so glad to hear your little guy is blossoming.

thank you, God.


burnout, crankiness, impatience, stress is all normal towards the end.

very normal.

just a couple more months and it's over.

so, hang in there.

now is the time to plow forward.

keep it going.

it's more important now than ever.

you and your family have come so far.

but it's not over yet.

let me know when you've gotten your first job?

you have no idea how much i'm counting on you. :balloons:


Aww, thank you so much. He is doing so well. He's 100% cancer free now, we couldn't ask for more than that. He's so brave, braver than I could ever be. It's been very tough being in school and not resenting it because I'd rather be with him, but I feel God put me on this path for a reason, and I know Aidan is my reason, so I can't give up. I was offered a job on the children's oncology unit where he was, but am not sure I can do that just yet. I'm going to do a lot of thinking about where I need to be. I'll kep ya updated.

Specializes in NICU/L&D, Hospice.

I've also been wondering if I had to do it all over again, would I? I would have to give it a lot of thought. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I have grown tremendously and my hair has turned gray. But, I've never been so proud in all my life (except when my boys were born).

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

I'm so glad you're son is doing well.

I remember the senioritis going around as it was just a bit more than a year ago. I didn't care either...couldn't wait to get out of there. My nerves were frayed and couldn't stand my classmates and every little thing was beginning to get on my nerves. Ugh!!! But you're almost there and you've put in a lot of hard work and the light is at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there. I know this is an awful feeling but very common. I'll be thinking about you!

Hi Soulshine (aka "Nursey Pants" :lol2:)!

I am so proud of you! I have enjoyed reading your posts since joining allnurses. You have such an upbeat and fun personality and in spite of feeling burned out, you still manage to have a sense of humor and an ability to encourage the rest of us on this crazy journey. I'm in my first semester and I still remember you saying that you felt like throwing up at the beginning of each semester because you knew what was going to be required of you! :uhoh21:

I'm so glad your little boy is doing so well. I actually think you'd be a great oncology nurse and would be such a positive force for other parents who will be in the same situation that you were in. Let me know what you eventually decide!

Congratulations for making it to the bitter end! A couple more weeks and then it's on to the next adventure!! Good luck and stay in touch!

Hi Soulshine (aka "Nursey Pants" :lol2:)!

I am so proud of you! I have enjoyed reading your posts since joining allnurses. You have such an upbeat and fun personality and in spite of feeling burned out, you still manage to have a sense of humor and an ability to encourage the rest of us on this crazy journey. I'm in my first semester and I still remember you saying that you felt like throwing up at the beginning of each semester because you knew what was going to be required of you! :uhoh21:

I'm so glad your little boy is doing so well. I actually think you'd be a great oncology nurse and would be such a positive force for other parents who will be in the same situation that you were in. Let me know what you eventually decide!

Congratulations for making it to the bitter end! A couple more weeks and then it's on to the next adventure!! Good luck and stay in touch!

Nursey Pants...he he he. Thanks for the support, it means more than you know. I just love this site, specifically for that reason. I forget that people here also read my blog...:lol2: When is your 1st semester over with? Believe me when I say that after your 1st semester is over you are going to feel like you've climbed a mountain and came back down again, but be proud of yourself. Some say it's the hardest hill to climb. You're going to get through it all, just as I have/am. Take one day at a time and don't be too hard on yourself. If I had it to do all over again I wouldn't have been my own worst critic, it just added to my stress.

As far as oncology, I almost feel it's my calling and that scares me. I know I was led down this road of nursing because of my son, I know that with 100% certainty now. I guess I'm afraid working with those children will just compound the fears I already have about Aidan. I'm going to think about it long and hard before I make a decision. I'll ask God and see what he says. He knows what is best for me.

I hear you hear you hear you.

Today we tried on pinning dresses after class and our class had a MAJOR blowout because the largest size dress didn't fit one girl. She has a very very large bust. Anywho the 2 people in charge of pinning actually recommended she wear the men's uniform...and I just could NOT sit there and let that happen. I was so upset for her ( she was mortified trying this dress on..she knew it wouldnt fit)....we finally came to the conclusion that another classmate's mother can take 2 dresses and make her one that fits..( she is a seamstress)...but after the 4 hours of lecture and an hour student gov't meeting...to have this happen...the exhaustion of it all- we were ALL at one another's throats.

I came home and havent touched a book or anything. I should. I need to. But it's soooo hard to just have any motivation these days. 63 more LONG days and then it will all be over.

Hardest. Thing. Ever

*Sigh* Ill miss it though when it's all over. Just not right now haha

Hang in there.

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