Texas A&M Commerce Nursing Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello I was trying to see if anyone was applying for the nursing program for Commerce?

I'm applying for this coming up fall, and I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I was wondering how many students they accept each semester. I'm applying with a science Gpa 3.4 and overall a 3.5

I don't work, but some of my classmates have been able to keep their job and pass their classes!

I think I had a 3.6 gpa and my overall HESI was 92.

Hi all, I am applying for Fall 2018 and want to know what stats everyone has to be competitive to get accepted here. I'm really nervous and anxious for the "letter". I have about a 3.6 science and 3.7 overall. HESI is 86 average. Do they look at any experience or volunteer work? I feel like my essay is awesome!! Also, I've heard that the honors students get privileges like automatic admission if they have Bs. Have you heard that?

Do you know if honors students get in with Bs just because they're in the honors program? Do you know what the lowest scores were that were accepted last year?

I turned in my application on Tuesday. I heard the lowest accepted was 3.4

I'm not sure about getting automatically accepted if you have a BS. And also yea I'm nervous because I only have a 3.4 science gpa with like a 85 avaergae HESI score. I feel as if that is pretty good considering I have two kids lol. But my essay was good but idk how they will feel about it. I pretty much wrote about my going on a vacation meeting up with other students and it was a debate over the different government systems. So idk we will see. I kinda dislike that we couldn't type it though. My hand writing isn't all that great. Lol

I'm sure you have a great chance of getting in. I'm just so nervous because it's so hard to get in and you don't know who is applying and what their scores are. You should be commended for going to school with two kids. That's a lot to handle. Your essay sounds like it is good. That's a good thing to write about. I know what you mean about writing it instead of typing. I don't like my handwriting. Best wishes to you. I'm praying a lot for this.

Hey guys, I turned in my application also. I'm super nervous. Does anyone know if we receive our decision letter through email or by mail? How has it been in the past? I know we won't hear anything until around the middle of June.

I've never heard of anything regarding honors programs and Bs. I *think* they weigh HESI and support course gpa heaviest, but they also take overall gpa, experience, and essay into consideration.

Acceptance is given via school email.

Thank you! And I wish y'all the best of luck. I know for sure next year they will accept more students since the new nursing bldg is opening.

Good to know about what they weigh. I wouldn't think it would be fair to give priority over some students like honors vs. anyone else. Students come from all types of experiences and populations and get into the honors program based on where they went to high school and their rank which isn't equivalent to others' educational experience.

Hi Ajj112109,

I am also thinking into applying into TAMUC next year, but I read online they only take students every fall ? when are the deadlines for TAMUC can you apply twice a year or only once?

Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone has received a notification about acceptance yet? I'm so nervous!

I haven't been notified yet, but a LOT of people I know have been gotten their acceptance letters Thursday and Friday of last week (not sure about today). I am thinking it is probably not the best news that I haven't heard anything :(

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