Texas A&M Commerce Nursing Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello I was trying to see if anyone was applying for the nursing program for Commerce?

I'm applying for this coming up fall, and I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I was wondering how many students they accept each semester. I'm applying with a science Gpa 3.4 and overall a 3.5

Yes! My handwriting is awful also! The whole application is basically handwritten. That just increases my anxiety lol I know applications are not due until May 18th, but do you have any idea when decision letters will be send out?

I'm thinking at the end of June. I will ask when I go to my appointment. I will turn in my application probably on the 18th because I have to wait for my transcripts for this semester to come out. If I get an A in statistics I will be applying with a 3.6. I'm keeping my fingers crossed lol.

Ok sounds good. I'll cross my fingers for you!

I'm a little late to the party, but how's that essay coming along?

My essay is coming along. Are you nearly ready to submit your application?

Hi! I'm a nursing student at TAMUC. I look forward to meeting y'all :) let me know if you have any questions that maybe I can help you with. Decisions have been sent out mid June the last 2 years.

Hello PumpkinPie19,

Thanks for contacting us. Can you tell us about the program and how your weekly schedule looks? How do you like the program? What were your expectations going into this program and has it met those expectations or not? I appreciate any insight you can give!!

HEY nice to meet you! I'm Ashanti!! I just met with an advisor she told me I'm barely competive with my 3.4 science gpa. But to put on the paper that I work in the Er already. Honestly I'm nervous because I feel like I worked so hard. She said everyone has a 1/4 chance of getting in just because it's only 50 spots. í ¾í´¦í ¼í¿¾*♀️ She did say next spring they will be accepting more students once new building open.

Weekly schedule is one long day of exams and lecture (usually Tuesday's), one day of clinical, and sometimes another short day of lecture.

Going in I heard the program was disorganized and the professors rude, but I don't think so. Do your work and you'll do fine. It's not perfect, there are things that are frustrating, but it serves its purpose of teaching you about nursing and holding you to high standards of care. Not sure if that helped at all haha

Thank you for the insight. Yes, it does really help! :) It's nice to get advice from someone who is actually in the program. Do you live on campus/nearby or commute?

I commute. What about you?

Thank you for the information. Where do you usually do clinicals? Do you work? I plan on still having my job but working PRN. And if you don't mind me asking what was your gpa and HESI scores when you got accepted?

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