Published Sep 1, 2021
18 Posts
I just wanted to start a thread for anyone applying to Spring 2022 Cohort for Thomas Edison University in NJ. I’m in the application process and I’m in the last semester of my pre-reqs. I believe the deadline to apply is February 1st and the Spring cohort starts May 2022. Has anyone started their application process yet?
16 Posts
Hey there! I had my interview this past Thursday and just got my acceptance letter yesterday for the May 2022 cohort. Super excited!! I’ll be happy to answer any questions
OMG congrats! So excited for you! And yes I have a ton of questions! LOL well one I would say how long is the process? I need a little help on the personal statement . What were your grades for the pre reqs and Undergrad GPA (if you don’t mind sharing) if anything we can talk In private. ? Onve again thank you so much for responding! Im so excited for you future NURSE! I’m so shocked they are already giving out acceptance this early for the May 22 cohort!
Thank you!! I was definitely shocked how quickly everything happened but so thankful. I’m so happy to have found this forum, I’ve been researching a ton. I submitted my application on 7/15 and then about a week later I heard back about my academic evaluation status. All of my courses transferred over fine except my nutrition, but I just submitted a course syllabus and it was approved. So that added some time, and around 8/23 is when I was officially complete and my application was pushed to the nursing committee. It was about a week until I received an email for interview time slots, and got my acceptance this past Monday.
My overall GPA was a 3.7 and I’ll list my pre req grades below.
AP 1: B- AP 2: C+ Chem 1: B+ Micro: B+ and the rest of the prerequisites are mostly A’s and a few of B’s
I read on the website that applications are reviewed all year and interviews are scheduled as well, so I guess it’s sort of a rolling admissions type of thing!
Amazing! Yes this sounds like rolling admission. When did you take your TEAS and what did you score? What sucks for me is that I’m in my last semester of pre reqs. & it’s 3 classes (micro , A&P 2 and developmental psych). So I won’t know anything until probably January. I pray I get in and that it’s not too late. I’m currently typing my personal statement.
I took my TEAS over the Summer I believe in June, and I scored a 70% which just meets the requirement. I booked my exam quick and only had a week to study. I think you should be fine! As long as you do well, and submit your application before the February 1st deadline you’ll be okay. I know it’s rolling admissions but they definitely will save room for those who apply closer to the deadline.
For my personal statement, I made sure to answer all of the questions that are listed on the BSNA page but I also tried to personalize it as much as I could. I also brought in life experiences to show how I knew I wanted to be a nurse, and explained my ethics in regards to school and goal setting for my dream career. You can also Google some tips those were helpful too!
Yes thank you! I have until the end of this semester so I’m going to study for the TEAS inbetween classes and also work on my personal statement . Hope to see you May 2022! Congrats once again .
17 Posts
@Elizhh16 Congrats! I also was accepted into the May 22' Cohort. I saw that you responded to me in the Fall 21' discussion, so I figured I would respond here. I am excited to start the program!
@Nursing27 congrats!! I actually got an email yesterday saying that they added a Winter 2022 cohort starting January 2022, and they offer me to switch to start sooner if I wanted to. I did accept so now starting January!
@Elizhh16 I also received that email, I switched to the January 2022 start date as well. They said that we should be receiving some additional information this week.
Oh wow! When does the January 2022 cohort start. And this is new right? Because they only had a Spring and Winter cohort correct?
@Royalblue30 Yes, it's new. The email about it was sent out this week. I think they emailed everyone who has already been accepted in the May 22' cohort to see if they would like to switch over. It starts January 3rd, 2022.