test on sep 3

Nursing Students NCLEX


hello I graduated July 30 from my practical nursing program. I am taking NCLEX on Sept. 3. I know my content fairly well and I have been doing NCLEX questions till my eyes cross. I have looked over a lot of material. I have read that NCLEX gives you 50% chance of answering questions correctly in their candidate bulletin. I am needing some encouragement. I have some test anxiety. I really need to pass this test. I need to start working again. Many people say I will do fine. I sometimes second guess myself on answers to questions. I know how to read NCLEX questions and see what they are asking for. SATAS scare me. Any advice.

yeah i can hold out PVT has been on back of my mind but im not risking it

Hey I found old wachovia card and tried it and it said I have been registered recently and its been over 24 hrs I guess that means I got the good pop up lol

Specializes in Case Management.

Congratulations! Let us know when your quick results will confirm...cause I know it will!!!

PVT worked for me used old wachovia the blue one lol I passed Yayyy

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