test questions

Nursing Students General Students


I am a nursing student, in my 2nd semester, I have an ok average but I am studying for my third test and need some help, the test contents are Postpartum care and skills, newborn care and skills, bonding and beastfeeding, rest and sleep needs of the neonate and growth and development of the neonate........

can anyone give me some advice on some study tips and does any one have any sample test questons on any of this material or know where I could find some sample test questions?????????

thank you this is a great site... school is challenging but I love what I am learning and look forward to becoming a RN....

I have always studied using NCLEX book questions, mainly Lippincotts and Kaplans. They have seemed to help so far.

I recommend using NCLEX 3000. It has NCLEX style questions and allows you to focus on specific areas of study. Good Luck..


Originally posted by kat983

I have always studied using NCLEX book questions, mainly Lippincotts and Kaplans. They have seemed to help so far.

Thank you so much

Originally posted by wv_nurse 2003



most of these textbooks have companion websites that include NCLEX type questions

This was a very big help, thank you very much, if you have anymore ideas please post.....thanks

Hi--what worked best for me when I studied this material was to read the assigned material from the texts and pay exquisite attention to the lectures.

The combo made the difference.....

Good luck!

that's a lot of shtuff :eek: :D but just remember when assessing, start from the breasts, nipples(tenderness,soft/frirm? etc)...fundus, (empty bladder before checking) (slight massage if boggy)...lochia...then homan's sign :D...

bfeeding, positioning most important :) change position if getting sore.

oh i'm sure you know your stuff :D you probably know more than i do :imbar

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