Tell Me About Your Study Space.

Nursing Students General Students


Hi there!

I'm pretty new to the site, and will be starting NS in August. (Holy sheep! That's only 2 months away!:eek:)

I want to know about your study spaces. What works for you? Do you have a dedicated area to study in? If you haven't set it up yet, let's share some plans and bounce ideas around!

I'll start:

I don't have an area set up yet, but it is definitely on the to-do list in the near future. I have a hubby at home, and 3 small children (2,4,6) as well as a 12 year old stepdaughter who spends most weekends with us. That being said, I don't have a ton of space to use. We have a nice-sized home- it's 4 bedrooms, and has a living room, and a medium-sized den that opens up into a playroom for the kids.

I'm debating between two possible spaces in my house, and would love to hear where and how you all made your study spaces. What are the must-haves for you? Would you have done anything differently?


I live in less then 1500 square ft with a brood (4 children), during Preq.'s i study on the couch and had a small table next to me with my stuff spread out in a 5 foot radius or i would study at my desk top (small), but the monitor hangs off the wall, still left actually work space limited, so i set up 2 TV tables. This is my shot, i dabbled about 7-8 years ago with preq's and have finally finished them and have been accepted to a RN program. This program starts in Jan 2012; im hoping to get my act together cause it was very difficult to find balance and i realize im not an A student, i have to work hard for my B's. My A&P teacher was difficult and started testing us like they do in NS, you know critical thinking, many answer could be right, but one is the best ;-) Anywho~ i like this topic it causes me to come up with a plan, ps. i

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.


What program are you in?

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Starbuck's or library are my best friends. At home I am too easily distracted but for quick reviewing I do study outside while my kids play or at my son's t-ball practice. Since Starbuck's is close, offers delicious caffenieted beverages, and is open super late it is my favorite :)


What program are you in?

An RN program @ my local community college~so excited....and determined

I have a good size house but a good size family. I have 5 kids , so there really isn't an open room. I plan on using a dresser for organization and my bed to study on. If I really feel it isn't working then I will get a desk.I have a feeling that most of my studying is going to happen out of the house , either at the YMCA because I plan on dropping off the kids so I can study for 3 hours uninterrupted, or at the pubic or collage library. I study better alone though with 5 kids and a dh, alone is going to be hard.

What is a DH? I see people use this all the time? I have picked up that it refers to someones husband usually but what does the DH actually stand for? Dear Husband, maybe? :rolleyes:

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