Published Nov 19, 2009
10 Posts
I am taking a poll on what kind of CEU offerings Perioperative Nurses would be interested in. I know that to maintain CNOR certification you have to have 300. What would you like to learn about?
OR male nurse
112 Posts
I'd like to learn why 2 different hopsitals that I've worked at don't reimburse for the CNOR certification and why most people don't know and don't care what CNOR means.
GadgetRN71, ASN, RN
1,841 Posts
1,221 Posts
I dont need it but I am taking the test March 1. It is always good to learn new things and get something in return for it. Most places I have job hunted at ask if I am CNOR and alot of places "prefer" it..... I dont know if I can make much more than what I am making now though..... I will also go for a BSN the end of this year, just to have it......