Published Apr 23, 2008
62 Posts
Hi I just started fundamentals, and I was wondering if someone can explain to me the significance of a tegaderm dressing, vs. using other dressings for specific wounds?Thanks
vamedic4, EMT-P
1,061 Posts
Tegaderm allows you to view the site from "above", so to speak. Tegaderms are see through, and this allows you to view the site without having to remove dressings/tape, et cetera.
Tegaderms over IV insertion sites exist to anchor the catheter and still allow you to monitor the site for redness, swelling, drainage. When a tegaderm is used for a dressing, whether it be wound/ chest tube, central serves the same purpose. It allows you to view the site to observe for bleeding from the site, any drainage, as well as the above mentioned findings.
I'm sure others will add to this....hope that helps a bit.
761 Posts
since it adheres so well to all the surrounding skin; you do not have to remove the dressing as often thereby saving surrounding tissue from damage. also useful in elder's or debilitated skin that has small tears... protects while healing. i have also used it around a gt stoma that wont heal well; protects and keeps it clean.
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
I recently used a Tegaderm to anchor the gauze dressings on a pts nephrostomy sites. The previous dressings had been anchored with tape but because the pt was mobile and moving around in bed the edges of the tape kept rolling up and eventually coming loose. I used skin prep on the area before putting the Tegaderm on and after around the edges. It stayed on much better and didn't have to be changed as often.
dzadzey, MSN, RN
78 Posts
You can read a study of some of the properties of Tegaderm HERE.
829 Posts
in addition, tegaderm is vapor permeable--allows gas exchange but not fluid. just remember to remove it, do not pull it "up"...stretch it parallel to the skin, and it "shrinks" and comes right off without pulling.
Thank you so much for all your answers, they have been very helpful.