TEAS Test?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello, I'm a newbie here.

My name is Maggie. I live in Chicago with hubby and two kids. I have been going part-time for 5 years and the moment of truth has come. My pre-reqs are complete and now all I have to do is score high on the TEAS. Has anyone here taken it? Do you have any tips? Was it hard? Which part do you think was the hardest? How quickly did you find out your score?

I am enrolled in an ASN program at a Junior College and would love to eventually get my BSN.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Diabetes/Oncology.

I have my TEAS Exam this friday! I am studying for it this very moment (well more like the book is in front of me and I have decided to take a brief break from it! lol) Im using the ATI study guide...Oh my gah! if I didn't wear braces on my teeth I would be bitting my nails like CRAZY!! hehe

Are calculators to be used on the exam? or is the computation to be made from your brain? and another thing is are you given enough paper and pencils to figure out math problems? I tend to write really big!

There are no calculators allowed for the TEAS, unfortunately LOL (if they did a lot more people could pass I guess). Thanks for the good luck Pla84, I am sorry that you had a hard time, I really hope you get in though! I have been lucky to not pay much for child care at the moment, my husband works and then goes to school, but has enough time in between to watch the baby while I go to school. The oldest (3) goes to our college's day care/pre-school that is on campus while I am in class and we only pay $10 weekly due to us being lower income, due to not having a degree/career yet LOL. I cannot wait until the day I can walk across a darn stage with degree in hand! Kids are definitely work and you sacrifice a lot, but everyone can make it work and in the end there are wonderful rewards! I talked it over with my husband and I just decided it's easier for me just to skip the LPN program this August and go and finish up the rest of my RN pre-req's at the CC (which I only have 2 left, plus I am repeating a class to get a better grade to be added towards the point system lol). So at least I'll be kept busy this fall and most of them I can take online, which is nice so I can stay home and I would only go on campus twice weekly at night (for Micro), so the grandparents will babysit while hubby is at work! Once I get those pre-req's done, then my points should be way higher than last time trying to get in and as long as I keep my GPA decent, then I REALLY am hoping I get in for the Fall 2010 RN program. But I am making sure I keep my options open and applying to several RN programs and school's so I can make it into at least 1! Man, I need to stop typing so much haha, I get into it and go on and on. I still am planning on taking the TEAS, either in May or June, have to call tomorrow for making the date (already sent in the money). I can take it any time this year if I want to apply for the Hospital's RN program for the following year, but I want to just get that darn test out of the way by summer haha. I don't have to take TEAS for the CC thank goodness! Ok, I'll stop ranting now lol. Good luck, keep us updated. When do you know if you got in?

Does anyone know what over all score you have to make on the teas test, the pratice one that you take online?



Can I just ask those of you who've taken the TEAS already, was it important to study??

I ask this simply because the nursing advisors are telling everyone that you can't study for this test, there is nothing TO study for this test, and it is basic math and science skills from high school.

This worries me for many reasons, biggest two being, I've been out of high school for quite some time, and I come here and see how people have been studying for month for this test.

My test is at the end of the month, and now I'm nervous that I should have been prepping for the test ... please ... any thoughts/advice??


Yes . . i would definitely recommend that you study! My counselor told me the same thing! The first time i took the test i didnt study at all - not even a little bit - i figured it would be like a placement exam - no. I did not do so well, i got a 79% - which isnt horrible, but i definitely should have studied. I purchased the study guide and practice tests from ATI and studied them - they helped a lot! I got a 89% the second time i took it, and i pray that is enough to get me in. I figure - this test is weighed pretty heavily in a lot of schools, so you might as well do your best. However - some community colleges only require you to meet a certain score - usually low - like 67 or 70 - that i think should be doable for just about anybody who has graduated high school really. . . The math is basic, but i needed to brush up on stuff like fractions,decimals,conversions. . and the science has physics qs - I've never taken a physics class in my life! so i just searched online for HS Physics review, and it also has geology, general science - and very little anatomy,phys questions - maybe 2

You'd think it would have more A&P questions on it since it's a pre entrance exam for nursing, but nope. Not sure how much knowledge on a Volcano is going to help my nursing LOL!

I know certain school's look at the each individual score of each section of the exam and have a minimum passing % for each section and some school's mainly go by the overall percentage from the test as a whole. I know two of the three school's I am applying for (for next year fall 2010 rn program) look at each individual score of each section (they have a minimum passing rate of 55% in each, which is kind of low - of course you want to strive higher than that though lol). The community college I am taking classes in right now I'd rather get into their program first, luckily they go by just a point system and no TEAS is needed to get in, although it's extremely hard to get into their program (one of the reasons I'd like to get in, they are highly sought over)!

I think as long as you were eduated science in High school in the US, then you'll be fine. Unfortunately I wasn't. I'm from another country and here for a few years ago. Some concept was familiar but I don't remember like specific heat or the enery, the waves, amplitude... physics stuff. Personally, I think reading and Math is something that you can figure out from what they give you on the test, but Science and English Grammar is either you know or you don't.

Hi Mikjaz... I will find out if I get in or not sometimes in August. I just talked to my advisor today, she said I still have a good chance since my GPA is still good ( at this point ), but I don't know if that's what all advisor does.

Well I hope you get in Pla84, keep us updated on the process! What country are you from? I was originally born in Berlin, Germany (but half german) and my parents moved here (to the US) when I was a baby, they often visit there (my mom's entire side of her family lives there still of course), but I can only go if I have the money and time (due to the kiddos and everything)!

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