Published Aug 6, 2008
62 Posts
hi have anyone taken the teas test and can give me a little insight on how the test is and what i need to focus on thanks!:heartbeat
Miss Mac
15 Posts
I can't narrow it completely down b/c honestly I don't remember the ratio of questions for each subject. There were alot of fractions and precetage questions. You can't use a calculator. ISome chem questions, spelling (such as recieve or other words that you may reverse just a letter or so in), grammar (which I found to be annoying but I'm not an english person) and reading comprehension (rather easy). I used and something thru the public library but I can't remember what it was called to study. The public library thing timed you and everything! Well Best wishes hope ya do well!
P.S. if you google TEAS study or something or that nature alot of practice sites come up.
137 Posts
ATI sells a study guide and access to online tests ( The guide tells you exactly what content areas you need to study and what types of questions will be on the test. This is what I used to prepare and I was pleased with my test score.
thanks a bunch!:redbeathe
71 Posts
I scored an 82 on the Teas last semester, but struggled with the math simply because of the metric conversion questions. I am 37 yrs old & when I was in high school, metric might as well have been a curse word!
The other part I screwed up on was the punctuation. I am normally perfect with punctuation, but bombed it on the test. I tried just putting the proper punctuation into the problem in my head, then finding the answer that matches. If I could take it again, I would physically punctuate the question on paper then match it up with the answer.
The ATI study guide will be a big help for you. It even shows you how to schedule your study time & what to study when on a calendar. I would highly suggest it!
thanks so much!