TEAS test in 13 days! Applying to HCC LVN

U.S.A. Texas


I am kinda starting to freak out b/c when I registered for the test I did not realize that my AP2 final was on the same day and my AP1 final was the NEXT day.

I'm starting to worry I might not have the grades in my prereq's to get into the program. I'm taking A1 and AP2 with Weirsema (for those who go to HCC, toughest teacher out there but you WILL learn) with an avg so far of 92 in AP2 and 89 in AP1. I'm also taking their Intro to Health Professions class with an A there as well (super easy class).

LOOOONG story short, i wanted to know if anyone could give me an idea as to how i would stack up against other lvn hopefuls?? And if 13 days is enough time to study for my TEAS test (need help in math and chem only really) and get the minimum 70% on it?

Thanks for any advise and encouragement, I have a child on the way and this is something I have been working for all semester.



I took the test again this afternoon and scored a 91% in the reading portion and a 97% in the math portion. The minimum is 70 so I am very excited. I was in the 98% national overall and 99% program

Good Job Crespo!!! Thats exciting news :) I hope my scores are as great as yours!!!

Which study guide helped you more with the TEAS. As of now I have the Study Guide from the TEAS website. I'm kinda nervous about the SCIENCE section of the exam bc its such a broad subject!

Specializes in (Hopefully one day..) neuro/urology ^.^.

Could someone in this thread give me a little more information on the application process for the lvn program at HCC? I'd like to attend it in the spring or fall of '11.. I have math 0308, intro ap (made a b - was taken at cy-fair) & nutrition at cy-fair, but i heard that doesn't transfer?

I don't even know where to begin. >.

Does anyone know how many applicants they get? How many are accepted?

If anyone could give me the route they took to get into the program that'd be great. :D

Feel free to reply here or message me!!

I have my interview for the LVN program tomorrow. I am so nervous but I feel prepared. My little 2 week old son provides me all the motivation I need. :)

The app process goes like this.

-attend the info session

-take your prereqs (ap 1&2 sub for allied sciences ap)

-take intro to health professions they like that.

- LEARN the material dont just memorize it.

-get your transcripts from H.S. and college ready

-start your HepB shots at least 6 months prior to applying

-take TEAS test

-go apply with test scores, transcripts, and immunization records with you

-pray, or what ever works for you lol

-do not let anyone deter you from your goal.

any other questions let me know.

Well I finished the semester with an A in AP2 and a B in AP1 :( as well as an A in Health Professions. I took the test on the 11th and although I finished in the 98-99 percentile on every subject (92%math 89%science 89%english) I faltered in the reading portion and missed it by one point (69%)

So now i'm retaking on the 20th and THIS time I wont be up for two nights in a row studying and finishing projects from health professions b/c my lap top crashed haha.

I really think the lack of sleep caused me to lose concentration and make really really silly mistakes. I will keep everyone updated, wish me luck!!!

Are you there...I just want to ask you a question.

hello.....if there is any one to help me about the reading part of the teas please.Crespo please.I just read your message saying you did great on everything,but I have problem with the reading part.

thank you

Just read your email. Unfortunately I do not remember ANY questions from that test :( take your time and read them slowly. get the ATI study guide it helped a TON

make sure you know your earth science...seriously, rocks, volcanos, clouds. you'll do fine. the chemistry isn't even "real" chemistry. just try and relax. goodluck.

hi nadia12 i have the same problem with the reading...do u get any advice..pls help me.

Just read your email. Unfortunately I do not remember ANY questions from that test :( take your time and read them slowly. get the ATI study guide it helped a TON

crespo congratulations u did good on the test...and can u pls help me with the punctuations on the english part pls...coz i have the same prolem like nadia?..pls pls

ok so how is the math section for the teas i'm tryin to make the october 1st application deadline,i been studyin the teas study guide i knw @ the info session they were only requiring math 70 and reading 70 so am nt worried about science does anyone rembr anythin bout the math

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