TCU Fall 09


I got accepted to TCU's traditional track for Fall 09! I am currently attending Ole Miss and will graduate from here in May. I'm really excited about TCU...all I have to work on now is my financial planning! Is anyone else starting this fall?? Or do any alumnae have any advice?? :)

Thanks!! -Elle

P.S. I know it is going to be expensive... but since I am out of state, most texas schools are going to be pricey.

Specializes in Emergency.

its only expensive because TCU is a private institution. i was going to apply and i wanted to really badly but i didnt take all the sections on the HESI exam. i didnt know they wanted everything and i took it at another school and i didnt have the money to take it. what was your gpa and hesi scores.

My gpa is 3.47 and for my hesi scores.... Math 96%; Read Comp 87%; Grammar 94%; Vocab 90%; Chem 88%; Bio 92%; A&P 80% (this score I wish was higher...but I happened to get really detailed questions pertaining to the ear...and I took A&P two years ago). My overall was a 90%

Where did you end up applying? Good Luck!!

I'm applying to tcu for spring 2010, and i was wondering how did u study for the hesi? i really hate entrance exam because i get real anxious and cant focus.

Specializes in PCU, Med-Surg/Tele, Psychiatric.

Hey egworsham,

What pre-reqs did you have to complete to apply to TCU?

As for what I did to prepare...I bought this book "Evolve Reach Testing and Remediation Admission Assessment Exam Review" off of I did some research and it seems like this book is the most beneficial. I will warn you that on TCU's website it leads you to believe that you won't be tested on the Chemistry part... but I was? I'm not sure if that's because I look the test here in MS? Or if TCU even looked at my Chem score. I also just found some random reading comp tests and medical vocab tests online for a little extra work. It's really not that bad...the A&P part was a little more in-depth than I thought it was going to be..but again, I haven't had that course in 2 years...hope this helps!

As for the pre-reqs... this website can fill you in on all of that information.

Hey guys! I am currently in the traditional track at TCU, a Senior 1, and will graduate December 19th :D! I was a transfer student for Fall 2007, and found that most people who had ok grades got in. The students who attended TCU from freshman year automatically get in if they have ok grades, but they start in the Spring. So it's good to start in the fall becuase most are transfers. If y'all have any questions about anything let me know, I will be glad to help! Good luck!!!

Hi panzyo3, i am applying to TCU next spring, and i was wondering if u knew anyone who had gotten into the program as a transfer in the spring. and if so, what were their gpa's and hesi scores. I have a 4.0 science gpa and an 3.8 overall gpa. All i have to do is take the hesi. Do you think its better for me to wait until the fall the apply?

Specializes in Emergency.

like panzyo says. most transfers are in the fall. so idk of any who have gotten in for the spring..but maybe there are.


I would apply as soon as you can, don't just wait till the fall. Your GPA looks really good, and like prettyladie says, I'm also not sure what their GPAs or HESI scores were. I do know that there were some transfers that got in (not sure how many though). You can always try calling the school to find out if they can give you any stats from previous years. Don't wait till the fall, because the worst thing they can tell you is no (so always go for it!) When you actually start it will fly by. It seems like I just got accepted yesterday, and it's been 2 years already! Good luck!!!

Hi egworsham,

Thanks for the reference to the book that prepared you for the hesi. I have been back and forth with my decision on nursing school and premedical school but I think I'm leaning more toward nursing school...I am truly considering TCU. I applied, requesting transcripts and I will start my pre-reqs this summer for Spring 2010 entrance...accelerated BSN program. When everyone is referring to gpa's are you speaking of your pre-req (sciences, nurition, psyc) gpa or overall gpa from 1st bachelor degree?

This would really help when I'm reading these discussion threads....thank you! :)

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