Published May 17, 2018
17 Posts
If an employee went and had a TB test done yesterday today at work area looks elevated red, never tested positive, will be read tomorrow most likely followed by a chest x-ray. But question is would you keep employee at work or send home til results are fully in.
tining, BSN, RN
1,071 Posts
Is it hard or softish to touch? I react to whatever is in the solution, but was told if hard = possible Tb exposure if has no other sx. If softish = reaction.
116 Posts
Elevated and red isn't necessarily positive. I think it has to be something like 15mm to be considered positive for an otherwise healthy individual with no comorbidities or exposures.
If they are asymptomatic, and its just a little red spot I wouldn't be concerned. Now, if its swollen halfway around the arm and hot, or blistering - home you go until cleared otherwise.
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
That's a doctor question.... Is the teacher symptomatic? If so, perhaps exclusion based on fever/extreme coughing? But I don't think you can make that call. Who ordered the test? If it's part of the job (sometimes TB screening is) then what's the policy?
You might google the CDC TB section for more info, but when I was a TB nurse a positive TST in the absence of frank symptoms or a known contact with someone with active TB wasn't cause for exclusion.