Published Apr 27, 2012
16 Posts
I love tattoos and think that they are a great way of expressing yourself. I have tattoos and plan on getting more in the future.
My question is, are tattoos okay to have as long as they are covered up?
I also have dreadlocks. They are clean, tidy and can be pulled out of my face easily. Are dreadlocks acceptable in the nursing field?
I would appreciate any advice, thanks :)
NICUmiiki, DNP, NP
1,775 Posts
Dreadlocks should be fine as long as they're neat. My school requires that hair can't touch the shoulder. Tattoos have to be covered at all times by cloth or by bandage. I would try to avoid getting tattoos in spots that are hard to cover up with your uniform.
All of my tattoos are in spots that can be easily covered up ^_^
Lol... Im just so bored right now and the board isn't moving very much.. I'm glad I can help though..
Shorty11, BSN, RN
309 Posts
My nursing school allows dreadlocks also but they must be neat, clean in appearance and smell, and must be able to be pulled back away from the face into a ponytail. All tattoos must be covered by bandage or tattoo cover-up or must be somewhere where your uniform covers. No facial piercings or earrings are allowed while we are at clinicals either.
35 Posts
i'm tatted too. thank God I never got tatted on my neck or something
5,351 Posts
If your tats can/are covered then how will anyone know you have them? Don't worry about them. However if you get one on your face, or the back of your hand or other area that isn't normaly covered, well you can expect that to cause you problems. As for the dread locks, my hospital's dress code specificaly prohibits them. This is the largest health care system in the nation and they don't allow them. Just consider that even if where you apply doesn't prohibit them the nurse manager you are applying with may not like them (many, many people dislike them). As hard as it is for new grads to get jobs nowdays I woulnd't do anything that hurt your chances of getting a job.