
Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


  1. What to do?

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I'm taking my pre-reqs for the nursing program. I switched over from the BFA art program. When I was still there, I got this tattoo on my forearm. I wasn't thinking about what it would mean professionally because I wasn't looking to be any sort of professional at the time. Oops. It's greyscale, its probably nine inches long and goes up to about two or three inches from my wrist. It's of Saint Anthony of Padua. It's very simple, it's just very big! NINE INCHES!! The question is, is this at all acceptable? Will I have to get this removed in the future, do you think, in order to get a job? I'm going for my RN, and after that, CNM. I am 21 years old. What else, what else.... I am thinking of getting CNA certified so I can be a CNA for the last 2 years of college. I guess that's it. Please tell me what you think. I'd like to keep it, but if it's not an option, I need to know!

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if i have a tattoo i'll keep it no matter what!

Specializes in geriatrics.

They sell cover up that works well for tattoos. Check with the drug store or department store. We can wear long shirts on our unit, but in the summer you wouldn't want to. I have worked with nurses who had tats and facial piercings. No one cared. It depends where you work.

Specializes in HIV, Psych, GI, Hepatology, Research.

In my clinicals there were a few people who just used tube gauze and covered tattoos on their arm and wrist area. That's alot cheaper than getting it removed.

Specializes in HIV, Psych, GI, Hepatology, Research.

Personally I could never wear long sleeved shirts in clinical because I would get too hot. That's just me though.

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