Tarrant County College Class Schedules


By the looks of things in my acceptance packet, I will not find out what my schedule will be untill December 7th which is the day we are registered for classes... However, the packet also says that registration will not start untill all required documents are turned into the nursing dept. Now here's where I get confused.... A CPR qualification is required to be on file with the nursing dept. before registration as part of the required documentation, but my CPR class is on January 7th??? Does this mean that I will not be registered untill after January 7th? If so, then when is tuition due? I know that the deadline for making changes to schedules is December 14th so it's not really making too much sense to me. Has anyone out there been through this before or has a clue to how this is supposed to work?

You will be able to register. Just tell the secretary (Bev) that your CPR class is not until January 7th. Be sure you tell her and not someone else. You just need to be sure to have a copy of your card before the first day of clinicals. There were a few people in my clinical group who had to turn in a copy of their card after classes started. You will be fine. I know the whole thing is confusing right now. Also, as far as the schedule is concerned, don't worry too much about it. The nursing department will give you your schedule (they make it for you) when you go to orientation on Dec. 7th. Then, you will have until Dec. 14th to trade with someone if you don't like your schedule. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I will answer them if I can. Good luck to you!

Thank you for your post. Now I'm somewhat relieved... I have a couple of more questions for ya though.

Everyone I talk to says that it is impossible to go to nursing school and work a full time job simutaneously... Is there anyone that you know of who has tried? How are they doing balancing both? I understand that it would be very difficult if possible at all...

Also, when would tuition be due? It seems like school is going to put me in the poor house after tuition, books, fees, uniforms, and the rest of the $$$ I have to dish out... I guess these are all questions I could be asking at orientation, but I figure the sooner I know the better, and I really appreciate the help so, thanks again.

I actually know a lot of people who are working full time and going to nursing school. Two of the people in my clinical group are working two jobs and going to school, and one has a 2 year old daughter. It is really kicking their butt, but they are hanging in there. Of course their grades suffer some for it, but they are doing what they have to do and still managing to pass. I also know a lot of others who work full time and are doing really well. Most of them have jobs that are fairly flexible, though. They keep up with the assignments and are really good at time management. I think it really helps to have a flexible employer, though.

I know what you mean about nursing school breaking the bank. It is not the tuition that kills you, it's the books. ugh!! I am having to pay out of my pocket because I can't get financial aid since I already have a bachelor's degree. So, I definitely feel your pain. I am not sure when the deadline is for paying your tuition. I would contact the business office and ask them. I don't want to give you any wrong information when it comes to paying tuition. Anyway, I hope you enjoy orientation. I know things are overwhelming right now, and you probably have a ton of questions. Don't worry, though. You will feel completely lost for the first month or so of the semester, and then things will get a little easier. Good luck!

i thought about the same thing and called the department abt the dates for cpr, but they said not to worry but make sure we have the card for first day of class.

heloisea3, how far into the program do we start clinicals?

You will meet together at the school for the first few weeks of school. During that time, you will go over things like vital signs, bathing, safety, med calculations, physical assessments, etc. You will be at the school for at least two weeks (I can't remember if it is two or three, but I think it is two) before going to clinical. To me, and most people I know, the first 4 or 5 weeks were just crazy because you feel kind of lost and overwhelmed, but things tend to be better after your first theory test and your first skills check-off. You kind of know a little bit more about what to expect. Once you start going to the hospital and you have to start turning things in, time will fly by. I will be crossing my fingers for you that you get my same clinical instructor. She is the best! :lol2:

You will meet together at the school for the first few weeks of school. During that time, you will go over things like vital signs, bathing, safety, med calculations, physical assessments, etc. You will be at the school for at least two weeks (I can't remember if it is two or three, but I think it is two) before going to clinical. To me, and most people I know, the first 4 or 5 weeks were just crazy because you feel kind of lost and overwhelmed, but things tend to be better after your first theory test and your first skills check-off. You kind of know a little bit more about what to expect. Once you start going to the hospital and you have to start turning things in, time will fly by. I will be crossing my fingers for you that you get my same clinical instructor. She is the best! :lol2:

Thanx a lot, u are the best. I will PM u for her name. I hope I get an AM schedule, I have kids that have to be picked up from school. :o

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Congrats on being accepted!

As for working and school: I'm in the El Centro program and I work about 50 hours a week as a computer geek. Granted, my grades are suffering a bit, but I'm paying my bills and still in the program (but my final is on Monday, so things may change! Ha!). It *is* possible.

Best of luck!

They actually beat us up today at orientation and left many of us newbie's wondering"My God, will we make it?" But hey, we have created our beds and we will have to lie in it. We don't have a choice but to make it. I looked at my schedule this afternoon and simply said wow, my kids. I had a family meeting this evening and explained the situation to them, had a few tears from the younger one, and they all agreed to work with me by cleaning the hse, helping daddy in the kitchen, and most of all limiting the noise and stress level around the hse when I am studying. So guys' good luck to you all and we shall make it! :-)

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