Tallahassee community college nursing Fall 2011

U.S.A. Florida


Hello. Im applying for the ADN RN program at tallahassee community college for Fall 2011. I was wondering if anyone took the entrance exam already? If so, what scores you got.. Im trying to get an idea of where I stand. thanks & good luck!:yeah:

I'm applying for fall entrance at TCC as well. I just took the HESI this week and got an overall score of 96.96. I scored a 100 on the math section! My GPA is a 3.6 on the pre-reqs so I am hoping that I will get in this fall. I've taken all of the pre-reqs and am currently taking microbiology.

Hi! I'm applying for TCC Nursing Fall 2011 as well. I graduated last Spring from FSU with a Political Science/Business BS, but decided that Nursing was my passion. I spoke with Dianne Douglas and she told me that for Fall 2010, the average GPA was a 3.5 and HESI was a 92. I currently have a 3.3, but am hoping to counter the low(er) GPA with a high HESI...preferably a 95 or higher. Or maybe Spring 2012 will be easier to get into. We'll see! I take the HESI for the first time tomorrow. Wish me luck! And if you have any questions at all, feel free to ask!

Oh, and tallymom, I'm sure you'll be fine! Keep us posted!

Tally mom you seem golden :)

How did you do on the Hesi OKS10?

I got a 90 on the hesi and I have a 3.6 gpa ... Im keeping my fingers crossed!

I got a 94% average. I got a 96% in Math, 97% in Reading Comprehension, a 98% in Grammar, BUT a 84% in Vocabulary! Haha I guess I underestimated that section :( but I'm going to study more and take it again before the May 8th (or 9th?) deadline. I'm so looking forward to being in the program; I hope we both get in!

I wished my GPA was a little higher, but I slacked off a bit in my freshman year at FSU and transferred in with three "B"s. I've been trying my best to get it up. So we'll see!

Do you know when we find out over the Summer? June? July?

GOOD JOB!!! Those are great scores, and your taking it again, thats awesome! Overall I felt like the test was fairly simple. The vocab section was definitely the toughest and it effected my overall as well. You scored above a 90 in most the sections so you'll get more points on the point system. CONGRATS!

Im not sure when we'll hear back - seems like forever!

Are you applying anywhere else?

I'm really hoping I get in. I'm only applying at TCC, I don't think I'd get into FSU because they would use my entire college GPA which is not so good. Luckily I had a B in the math, english and psychology that they transferred in and then I've gotten all A's in the rest of the pre-reqs. It stinks that the D I got in accounting 15 years ago counts against me at FSU, I'm so glad that TCC only counts the needed courses.

How many points does everyone have out of 160?

as far as I can tell I have 152. 36 from my GPA and 116(96 score +20 extra points) Do you know if that would be right I got over 90 on each section so I'm thinking I'd get the extra 5 points.

I'm only applying to TCC as well. I would've loved to go into FSU's BSN program (the two year, not Accelerated), but my cumulative college GPA should've been somewhere around 3.7. And that's just not going to happen...and I was also looking into FSU's Accelerated program, but I just don't think I'd be able to cram it into one year -- Nursing school's is stressful enough!

Right now I have 145, but when I retake the HESI, I was to have at least a 95% average...and then with the 20 extra points, I'm looking at a 148. Every point counts!

I'm also taking Microbiology and the lab this semester as well...just trying to get ahead of the game!


Your numbers look great to me! I'm kind of jealous! Haha I'm sure you'll get in :)

And one more thing tallymom...your HESI is more like a 97% than a 96%, so you may be more like a 153/160...which is phenomenal! You should be very proud of yourself!

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