Published Jun 26, 2011
4 Posts
I have worked a high-intensity job in peds for the past 19 months and decided to take 6-12 months off to live overseas with's an opportunity I probably will never have again. However, I had to obviously give up nursing for this time because of an enormous language barrier (i'm in Korea) but I'm worried about losing not only my skills, but my nursing knowledge. I was wondering if any moms or other nurses that have taken time off had taken classes, or found any websites helpful for study while away from practicing nursing. Any direction you could give would be SO helpful. I really miss nursing, which is a great sign :), and I don't want to start at square one again.
Thanks guys!
tokmom, BSN, RN
4,568 Posts
I don't know how long you have been a nurse, but I was out for almost 5 yrs and went back into with minimal loss of skills. I had been an RN at that time for 16 yrs and had 4 yrs of LPN under my belt. Maybe that helped.
What I did lag in were the meds. There were a lot of new meds in the last few years. I studied up on cardiac, and basic meds. I also read nursing journals.
Good luck and enjoy your journey!
542 Posts
Doubt you will loose your skills in just 6.5 months. Know many nurses that had to take LOA fof longe periods and came back on the unit like they never left.
18 Posts
I took off for 6 months a couple of times over the years when my husband went to sea during his Navy days. The time flew by. There were some equipment and P&P changes, but after a few busy 12 hour shifts, I got into the groove again.
I use and get the Medscape Nursing newsletter via email.
Congrats on your decision and enjoy!
Thanks so much for your responses! To be honest, I think ALL nurses need a break. I had a total of two months off before I started my new job over here, and felt totally refreshed and ready to eagerly get back on the floor. I know the majority of nurses I worked with felt guilty about taking too much time off...but I encourage everyone to take a nice break and treat yourself well, you deserve it!!!!