Taking Sign Language

Nursing Students General Students


Hi. Im going into level 3 for my ASN come August. I heard it is the easiest out of all 4 levels. I need 1 more foreign language class in order to earn my AA. Would it be too much of a workload if I took my second sign language class with Nur III? Thanks

Specializes in LTC & Rehab Supervision.

I'm going into level 3 in the fall as well! I'm one humanities class away (aside from my nursing classes obviously) from being able to auto-transfer to a four-year program.

I personally plan on doing it after I graduate next Spring, so I don't overwhelm myself and "screw myself over". I would take this advice into consideration as well. You have plenty of time to take the class after, there is no rush! You're already doing amazing, and you don't need to mess it up by taking another class you could take later!

Specializes in NICU/Pediatric Home Health.

I will start this by saying I absolutely loved ASL and it came very naturally to me. I was actually in a program for interpreting before I decided to pursue nursing. My heart still sometimes misses the idea of doing that.

That being said- I took a few different courses while in ADN nursing courses to prepare for my BSN entry- Statistics, biology, literature. I think it depends on the person, but knowing what I do about beginner ASL courses, I wouldn't imagine it being too difficult to get done!

Thank you for your feedback

3 hours ago, JabuJabule said:

I'm going into level 3 in the fall as well! I'm one humanities class away (aside from my nursing classes obviously) from being able to auto-transfer to a four-year program.

I personally plan on doing it after I graduate next Spring, so I don't overwhelm myself and "screw myself over". I would take this advice into consideration as well. You have plenty of time to take the class after, there is no rush! You're already doing amazing, and you don't need to mess it up by taking another class you could take later!

Thank you. I decided to go for it and if it becomes too much I'll withdraw before the deadline. I don't want that hanging over my head once I enter the workforce.

Specializes in LTC & Rehab Supervision.
22 hours ago, Nurse_in the Making said:

Thank you. I decided to go for it and if it becomes too much I'll withdraw before the deadline. I don't want that hanging over my head once I enter the workforce.

Great idea! Good luck! You totally got this! ?

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