Topics About 'Sign Language'.

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  1. Imagine being pregnant, deaf, afraid and soon to be delivering your second child. Your first child experienced problems and remained hospitalized for almost 3 weeks. In a controversial lawsuit, a pregnant woman, who is deaf, wants a live sign la...
  2. Nurse_in the Making

    Taking Sign Language

    Hi. Im going into level 3 for my ASN come August. I heard it is the easiest out of all 4 levels. I need 1 more foreign language class in order to earn my AA. Would it be too much of a workload if I took my second sign language class with Nur III? Tha...
  3. American Sign Language

    Will learning the American Sign Language be helpful to a nurse's career? I am a 1st year nursing student, I already speak Chinese & French. I wish to take an additional language this Summer, I am considering between Spanish and the American Sign ...
  4. I have time over the next 1 1/2 - 2 years to take a few extra classes that I want. I am already going to take Spanish for Nursing, but what about sign language? The girl I work with as a volunteer is majoring in interpreting for sign language. I neve...
  5. Davey Do

    Nursing and Sign Language

    Our very own spotangel currently has a great article, titled "I Feel Dizzy", which is about her providing excellent medical services to a hearing/speech impaired patient. Her article had me recalling my history of working with that population. F...
  6. My Best Deaf Patient!

    When I was a young graduate, I remember I had a pediatric patient and his mom was deaf. She was trying to tell me that something was happening in the room of her son, but I was very frustrated because I was not able to understand her hand movements. ...
  7. I'm starting my nursing program in May. I'm currently taking a sign language class and love it. Would really like to be able to continue but can't right now. I was just wondering if there's anybody out there who's certified as an interpreter? Are...