Taking NCLEX Thursday May 14th. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I'm taking my NCLEX exam on Thursday, May 14th for the 3rd time. I'm so nervous, stressed out, and frustrated right now because I feel like I can't remember anything. I've been practicing questions and getting them wrong.:eek: I would change my date but my ATT expires on the 14th. At this point I just don't know what to do. I'm trying my best to stay positive but it is so hard. I need some last minute advice. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

It's almost over, so relax. Go over a few more questions and rationales and relax. Take the test. Then relax. Deep breathing and meditation. Relax!! Wishing you good luck.

my exam was on may 9th and today morning i found that i am pass. when i was on 153 questions my computer was not shut down and my 6 hours was over. i even did not take any break but i did all questions very attentively so never do questions so fast without reading them at least twice and pray allot. only preys will work there.

Specializes in Elder Care.
I'm taking my NCLEX exam on Thursday, May 14th for the 3rd time. I'm so nervous, stressed out, and frustrated right now because I feel like I can't remember anything. I've been practicing questions and getting them wrong.:eek: I would change my date but my ATT expires on the 14th. At this point I just don't know what to do. I'm trying my best to stay positive but it is so hard. I need some last minute advice. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

The key is staying calm ............ Study Monday Tuesday wednesday go shopping out to dinner relax watch a movie go to bed early get a good night sleep test day eat a good breakfast and go take your test take your time read the questions and answeres read question again and eliminate the answeres that are definately wrong and then use your ABC and hierarchy of needs for the rest you will be fine Good Luck

my exam was on may 9th and today morning i found that i am pass. when i was on 153 questions my computer was not shut down and my 6 hours was over. i even did not take any break but i did all questions very attentively so never do questions so fast without reading them at least twice and pray allot. only preys will work there.

congrats how did u prepare for the exam?

Specializes in LTC, Psych.

I also took my exam May 9 and found out this morning May 12 that I passed, saw my name on BRN's site... My computer stopped at 75... I feel weird after the exam and tried to relax. The same way I did before starting answering my first question... Before I ever read my 1st question, I closed my eyes and prayed that He'll let me remember the things that I have studied and learned from nursing school... And He did... So I passed with 75 questions...

Don't be hard on yourself... Relax, relax...

I am sure you can do it....

God Bless...

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