Taking NCLEX

Nurses General Nursing


Hi all,

Taking NCLEX Monday, 2/9. Any sugestions as how to stop the panic, thinking I may not be ready?

I think I am ready, I have been studying, and am doing fairly well on the practice exams, but this feeling is so bad, I am thinking about canceling.

Any sugestions would be appreciated.


Specializes in Pediatrics, Dialysis.

You will be successful on your examination. Sounds like you have a good plan for yourself, that is best thing that you can do is a little bit of relaxation before the examination. I just wanted to let you know that my exam had a lot of priority questions so if you have a weakness in that area and you have some books with test taking strategies for that particular area look that over but don't stress yourself. Remeber you would have not made it out of the nursing program if you did not have the KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck on the test, look forward to it, relax. All the best!!

Whats up? how's the test?! Good luck! :)

I was so exhausted at the end of nursing school that I just sort of blanked it all out and relaxed before the test. If you don't know it by the end of school you probably don't know it. I think brushing up over stuff you had early on is a good idea, I did that, but over all, I think most know a whole lot more than they think they know. My test was heavy on psych and mother-baby, neither of which I cared for in school. But I only took 75 questions so I did okay obviously and passed in 1998. It becomes intuitive after all that hard work in school. All those awful crazy questions they asked you in school is similar to the test. Take your time, read the question, don't read too much into the question, don't panic, just think your way through it, you'll be fine.

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