Taking the NCLEX-RN on June 30


Hi Guys!

Im taking my exam on the 30th of June. Im a bit nervous right now and feeling ambivalent of what is gonna happen during my test.

I had Kaplan qbank and saunder for content. I also used Excell Review Notes too. My test scores using Saunders is somewhere between 80-95% though my Kaplan scores stay between 60-80%.

Any suggestions guys that you could share to me? I will really appreciate it if you could lend me an advice to stay on track and make this test a success.

I did about 300q's in Saunders & no other prep. Took my test yesterday, 150 q's & passed.

The "box" really seemed to hone in on what I didn't know (ob, just barely passed it in school & have no interest in ever going into ob, didn't practice any ob q's either..).

I'm not advocating for anyone to not study, but I wasn't about to spend 100's of dollars on "test aids" & seminars to study for a test I had an 85% chance of passing without any extra work. Some students work themselves into a froth & their nerves shut off their brains - two people in my class who had better Gpa's than me failed.. Many of the q's I got were super easy. But it's also easy to look at box "a" & click on box "b" out of nerves.

Study what you don't know - if that's OB or psych, or meds, the box will find out & torture you with those questions. Don't give away any points. 1 had a couple I.v. Math questions- those were easy if you worked them slow & careful, but they'd be easy to blow after your brain is goo from 150 questions.. If the box is still throwing questions at you, you're still in the game - so don't give up. Don't freak out when you hit question #76 - it doesn't mean you aren't smart, it means the machine hasn't figured out that you are smart..

Hey! Thanks for the tips. My strongest point is Mental Health then OB. Im doing fine with some subjects kn MS (Cardio, Respi, GI, MSK, and Endo). Not so good with Pedia (I'm hoping they wont throw me a lot of it.

I have a friend who passed the test 2 days ago and he told me that he had couple of SATAs and stopped at 75. Im just so excited yet nervous about the test.

I hope you really did great in your exam.Have you heard about the 35-page nclex cram here? Did the 35-page nclex cram notes here all worth it for the test?

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