Published Nov 30, 2010
720 Posts
Hey all, taking my 2nd ECE on Weds, Health Safety. I got an 80 and an 81% on the practice exams. I was wondering for those of you who have taken this test, how similar are the questions on the practice test to the actual exam? I found that the questions on Transitions were kind of all over the place. I am nervous but not as nervous as I was for the first test now that I know what to expect.
Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving :-)
162 Posts
Great scores on the practice exams! I got similar scores and got an "A". good luck tomorrow!!
38,333 Posts
Good luck on the test.
514 Posts
:anpom: Great scores you'll do fine and Good Luck tomorrow!! :anpom:
174 Posts
Good Luck tomorrow!! :)Can you tell me since this is your 2nd exam, did you use the practice test for your 1st exam and were the questions similar to the actual exam?
I got an A! So happy! :-) I am thinking about tackling microbiology and anatomy next, since I don't have the $ to enroll yet. I don't want to leave those two until the very end anyways... which one is doable before Christmas?
Missy77, yes I took the practice test for Transitions and I found it helpful as a guideline of what to study more closely and how the questions would be formed, but I didn't feel like the practice exams were too similar to the actual exam, the actual exam I felt was all over the place. But I passed w/a C for Transitions and I did feel as well prepared as I could have--I needed toothpicks to keep my eyes open while studying that material!
359 Posts
Congrats @ Beachnurse... so proud of you!!! what are you doing next? let me know I have SG for repro if you need....
Hi! I just sent you an e-mail a little while ago to wish you luck on your exam tomorrow!!! You will be fabulous :-)
I am so torn over what I am going to do. My boss is giving the OT to all the new RN's they just hired because they are "trying to keep LPN staffing to a minimum", I keep getting destaffed and find myself offering to pick up CNA shifts. I KNOW I need to finish soon because every time my phone rings, and it's work, I fear it will be the day of the "we don't need anymore LPN" phone call. There is already such a small handful of us left on the floors.
Here are my options.
1. Enroll now, my boyfriend offered to chip in $200 towards the fee, and I can finance the rest, finish the remaining nursing theory exams and then worry about the pre-reqs and CLEP exams in between and at the end.
2. Tackle A&P and Micro this month and next, then take the remainder of my pre-reqs through CLEP at PBSC (they are so much cheaper, anyways!!) and then hopefully I will have scraped together enough money to proceed w/enrolling and complete the nursing exams.
My goal is to be finished by my birthday next year (September) with all the examinations and be eligible for NCLEX before Christmas... is that too ambitious? I really want to prove I can do this. I read everyone's posts and I am so inspired. I am even thinking of meeting w/ our CNO since she used to be a LPN and is super nice to steer me in the right direction with the hospital giving scholarship or something towards my RN, I was told since it's not an actual "college course" that I cannot do the tuition reimbursements.
Well I am going into work this weekend, hope you all have a fabulous weekend, thanks for all the guidance and support :-)
Sorry to hear that you have been de-staff... have you try speaking with the Director? I would do that before speaking with Brenda... It's not fair that they would de-staff you & give the hours to a new nurse, but hey nothing @ wood surprise me. I think you should enroll & do the pymt plan, that's nice of your bf to want to help. I don't know how they CLEP thing works but you can always take some of the classes @ PBSC (A&P & Micro) took both online it was pretty easy of course lab I had to go to Palm Beach Gardens but it was worth it. Again sorry to hear about work, don't let them stress you... don't worry pretty soon those new nurses will be gone soon, nobody stay @ PCU my cuz, my friends all quit within 3months.... :)
Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!