Taking A&P 2, micro and, intro to Chem in one semester


Hey everyone,

I recently switched my major from exercise science to nursing last semester and I am excited to become a nursing major. A lot of the classes required for exercise science are the pre reqs for nursing! All I have to take to apply for the professional nursing program at my school is micro, A&P 2 and, intro to chem. I'm currently taking A&P 2 and Chem along with medical terminology and sociology but I no longer want to take 3 and half years at my county college and would like to graduate in a solid three. Would taking A&P, Chem and micro at one time be a bad idea? I really need to start the nursing program quickly!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

I think it's do-able, depending upon the rest of your commitments: family? Job?

The other issue you need to take into account is whether you even need to cram that much into one semester. Are you certain that you will be accepted into the nursing program so quickly?

I found A&P2 and micro dovetailed nicely. We covered similar material in both which helped cement the info for me. I wasn't required to take more than high school Chem.

It depends on how much other stuff you have going on. I had 2 kids at home and still pulled high A's but I studied a ton.

Specializes in IMCU, Oncology.

It may be doable, but in my opinion you won't get what you need out of these classes - you will just be surviving. I wouldn't take all 3 together, maybe just two together. It is important to get a good science foundation and maintain a good GPA to get into nursing school!

I'm taking a similar combination this semester and it is doable.

Is it possible to take one class over the summer instead? I would take 2 together, but 3 seems like an unnecessary struggle.

Depending on your dedication and how busy you are it could be do-able. However, my advice to you is not to do it. Both A&P 2 and Chem are very difficult classes and your stress levels would be very high. I think it's more important to take your time and do something perfectly than to rush and just be ok. Just depends on if the nursing program you want to enter has a require minimum GPA.. how high of a grade do you want?

Best of luck :)

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