Topics About 'What Nurses Do'.

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  1. Any nurse, new or seasoned, can feel overwhelmed at times at work. It can be a challenge to learn the art of delegation. Without it though, a nurse can become fatigued, stressed, and depressed. On the other hand, delegating tasks effectively can impr...
  2. Ashley rolled out of her snuggly bed into the dark cold while her husband, Jake, snored without missing a beat. She quietly stepped out of her cozy flannel jammies and pulled on her scrubs. The cold fabric hit her skin, justifying her sour mood. It w...
  3. A graduate nurse throws up when the patient does. An experienced nurse calls housekeeping when a patient throws up. A graduate nurse wears so many pins on their name badge you can't read it. An experienced nurse doesn't wear a name badge for liabilit...
  4. Elizabeth Kohout

    Tips for Handling Upset Patients

    I’m the charge nurse at an ambulatory care clinic. My job includes triaging our walk-in patients and speaking to patients when they say they want to see a manager. This means I see a lot of patients who are angry that their provider is running behind...
  5. The Art of Caregiving

    Have you ever considered nurses to be artists? We have heard the phrase "Art of Caregiving" before, but what does it mean? The Nurse is the Artist How are nurses artists? We creatively individualize care using our good relationship with the ...
  6. We live in an increasingly ill-rested society. With busy schedules, more time spent on screens, increasingly sedentary lifestyles, and various stressors, American adults face a challenge. How do we wind down and get quality sleep at the end of the da...
  7. As nurses, we will frequently hear the phrase 'patient experience' being discussed. Have you ever thought about what the patient experience really means to you? Take a minute to think about what the patient experience means to you as a nurse. Ta...
  8. Patient education is influencing a change in the patient's knowledge, habits and attitudes, and observing a change in their behavior. Patient education is crucial because it builds rapport and trust between the provider and the patient while encourag...