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Found 15 results

  1. Digital/ Hardcover Books

    Hi, I am starting Nursing school in the Spring, and I am purchasing books for the classes. I would like the advice whether or not should I purchase digital book? Or hard-cover is a better option? Thank you so much!
  2. Dismissed from ABSN program

    I was dismissed from the ABSN program due to academic reasons. Since my passion is still in nursing, I continued and took all prerequisites again. I am going to apply to only Community colleges. A&P 1 4.0 A&P 2 4.0 ...
  3. Do nurses hate nursing?

    I’m a second degree, second semester nursing student and I’m feeling really discouraged. Nearly everything I see online about nurses and nursing is negative. From the “all mean girls become nurses” trope to endless comments on silly tiktoks from nurs...
  4. Should a pre-nursing student get a nursing related job to increase future nursing job prospects? I am taking my nursing pre-requisites right now for ABSN program. I already have a Bachelors degree. I am wondering if I should start working or voluntee...
  5. So you know you want to get a nursing education. You’ve looked at several public and private schools and thought, “I don’t know what to pick!” I was in your shoes once too, but thankfully for you, I have attended both! So, I will be going through eac...
  6. Hello Everyone, I am having problems answering two questions regarding Penicillin Reconstitution and my professor is not answering my email. Can you please explain the problem and your reasoning behind the answer/mls used? 1. Order: Penici...
  7. I’m sure you guys have seen these types of posts a lot, so I’m sorry if it’s repetitive and annoying. I am 21 years old. I am in my 4th year of college, and I STILL haven’t finished my prerequisites for nursing yet. I’ve had to retake so ma...
  8. This is a weird question, but do nursing schools tend to only accept specific color scrubs? I was browsing scrubs sites and realized there are quite a lot of color options: including different shades of blue!! I thought about purchasing some - but ...
  9. Will I Have a Chance?

    Has anyone gotten into nursing school with a “B” in anatomy and “C” for chemisty? This is looking bad for me and I am planning to take physiology and micro in the next year. I am also working as a CNA at the moment. I appreciate all comments!
  10. Med Surg 3/ Critical Care

    Hi is there anyone that can help me with tips or even a tutor for Critical Care/Med Surg 3? I’m a Nursing student going to my last semester and need help. Class starts January 3 2022. Thanks
  11. Hello fellow nurses/student nurses! I will be taking Anatomy and Physiology 1 this fall semester at a community college and I know it can be a difficult class, lots of memorization for sure. What are your opinions of me adding Psychology: Lifesp...
  12. IPad Mini for clinicals?

    Is there any use of an IPad Mini during clinicals? I'm just curious if this type of device is even allowed on the floor or do people use their phones to look up information, etc? I know usage of electronics vary from program to program and clinical...
  13. Today, we had a lecture with a faculty instructor. I raised my voice in the online classroom; I spoke furiously and reactively to answer a question the instructor asked. 15 minutes passed and my teacher's voice started to tremble. She was crying and ...
  14. Hi everyone! I wanted to ask you all what you should know before going into Nursing School? For instance, is there anything in particular you wish you had been more familiar with before hand? I would like to refresh my memory while I have down time. ...
  15. My plan is to first graduate and then pass my NCLEX exam sometime this Summer. Once I have my RN license, the real job search will begin! In addition to finding and starting a new job, I will also be jumping right in to begin my Masters in Nursing Ed...