Topics About 'Snf'.

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Found 6 results

  1. pharmanurse11

    What was she thinking?!

    Many of us are unaware that there are significant differences between post acute care/snf hospitals and acute care hospitals in terms of staffing, especially during the evening hours. SNFs do not have a receptionist after 6pm, which means the respons...
  2. Or you have a base line protocol, with adjustments from pt to pt. ? I won't disclose ours (who knows what rules /laws I might be breaking). But I can say it doesn't include any of the experimental drugs used in other facilities. Why is that?? Do SN...
  3. Can My Loved One Go to a SNF?

    When a loved one is admitted to the hospital, it can be a nerve-wracking experience, even for those in the medical field. Typically, the main concern for the patient and the family is the patient's current condition. What is the diagnosis? ...
  4. Dear Nurse Beth, I got my RN license just as the Covid-19 situation took a turn for the worst. Now most, if not all, the RN residency programs in my area have been suspended. I have received an offer from a SNF but am weary of accepting it because of...
  5. anashenwrath

    Asymptomatic in SNFs/ALFs?

    Hi all, Hospice RN seeing COVID+ patients exclusively. So far, all my patients have been at SNFs or ALFs, all are geriatric with lots of comborbidities and usually dementia. One thing I'm noticing is how mild symptoms seem to be: mild cough, a few da...
  6. Hi I just accepted a PRN ( no fulltime available in my area) position in a LTC SNF that has long term floor, memory care and rehab. Rehab is like med aurg really. Lots of admissions and discharges everyday. Well I started 2 days ago ( tommorow will b...