Topics About 'Shoes'.

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Found 5 results

  1. Best Shoes for Nursing

    I've been a nurse for 3 years, and have yet to find shoes that don't hurt my feet. Please suggest the best brands and types of shoes for nursing. Thank you!
  2. As a nurse, finding the perfect pair of shoes is crucial for long shifts filled with constant movement. But with so many options available, it can sometimes be difficult to discern which ones are best for you. To help you make an informed decisi...
  3. What shoes do y’all love?

    I stepped away from nursing for a few years, but I’m about to start back. I need new scrubs and shoes, but I’ve gotten out of the loop, and would like to get suggestions for the best brands
  4. Do you carry a change of clothes and double-bag your clothes and shoes - and maybe leave shoes in trunk but take scrubs inside home (while still bagged) to be washed? Do you change in your garage? Please comment on what you do or believe is the best...
  5. I never really had an issue with the shoes I wear to work, but recently the shoes I wear are making one of my toes very uncomfortable. What kind of nursing shoes are the best for being on my feet all day? TIA ?