Topics About 'Prayer'.

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  1. This brought up much discussion about whether or not offering prayer falls within the scope of the nurse while providing spiritual care. Is it appropriate for nurses or doctors to pray with patients? Should a nurse ever offer to pray with a...
  2. In My Prayers

    We do the best for our patients and then we don't try not to take the job home or let it bother us. But I give credit for those floor nurses who are busy taking care of our grandma's, grandpa's, mom's, dad's, siblings and friends because in a way, th...
  3. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for blessing me and helping me get through nursing school, and being with me every step of the way. Father I ask you to please help me while I study for my NCLEX RN exam, that your holy spirit will help be my guide, an...
  4. tnbutterfly - Mary

    I am Afraid. Please Pray for Me.

    Many of us view the healthcare setting as a place of employment where we we are comfortable. To patients, however, this medical setting is a maze with frightening and uncertain twists and turns, ups and downs into which they have entered, usually not...
  5. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Intensive Prayer Unit

    Many patients find prayer to be very comforting and uplifting. Several hospitals, such as Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, utilize a program called Intensive Prayer Unit to help address one's spiritual needs. The program's goal is to provide pray...
  6. Seeing is Believing

    John and Mary, both eighty-five years of age, had been married for sixty-five years. Folks said they were like two peas in a pod. They never had the good fortune to be parents, but they were devoted to each other. They often said they had never had a...
  7. TheCommuter

    The Power Of Prayer in Healthcare

    According to Oxford Dictionaries, prayer is defined as a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity. Although people usually associate praying with organized religion, prayers can incorporate spirituality withou...
  8. Petitionary prayer focuses on requesting or petitioning for something, such as guidance for oneself or others. Even though prayer is normally connected with organized religion, one does not need to be religious or a 'believer' in order to pray. In fa...
  9. Prayer goes a long way.

    I felt a strong feeling as a teenager that nursing would be in my future. I helped my mother take care of my grandmother, and watching her slowly die was more than heart felt for me. To see someone happy in her last few hours talking about God was am...