Topics About 'Pinning'.

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Found 10 results

  1. Hi all! I've searched the web with no advice so I'm hoping someone here can help me out! My cohort is graduating May 8th (eeeek)! We are all gearing up for it, but we found out recently that due to...
  2. OrlandoNursing

    Stoles & Cords for Pinning?

    Hello all! I graduate May 2nd and was wondering if it would be weird if I wore my honor stole and cord for my pinning pictures? I will not be attending the commencement graduation, just the...
  3. I am graduating in May and I would like to ask my mom to pin me... She has been a nurse for 20 years and has been my biggest supporter through school. I can't imagine asking anyone but her to pin me!...
  4. Is it appropriate to get a gift for the person pinning me at my LPN ceremony? Update: Let me clarify, she is not currently one of my instructors in this program. She was my PCT instructor at a...
  5. Pinning Ceremony Troubles

    Hi! My school hasn't had a date for our pinning ceremony until today and we only have 3 weeks until our last day. Our pinning will be a month and a half afterwards. We wanted to be pinned before...
  6. Male graduate and pinning

    Hello everyone, I just finished my last exit ATI predictor exam with 99% passing the NCLEX, and my pinning day is tomorrow. After deep thinking and since I'm the only male student, I decided not to go...
  7. Pinning Ceremony Speech

    I have attached my speech for pinning ceremony Thursday September 14th and was wondering if anyone would review it and leave some constructive criticism. Thank you all in advance! Good evening...
  8. I just want to preface this by saying that I understand why it has to be done, but I’m still bummed. My school cancelled graduation and pinning. I don’t know why they’d do that rather than...
  9. Skipping Pinning

    Anyone else here decide to skip it ? It was just stressing me out and it’s over two hours away from my home. We had to do everything the music the speech the spending of 100 dollars for a pin...
  10. Asking someone to pin you - Ideas?

    Hello all. I would like to ask one of my teachers to pin me for my ceremony and I would love to do it in a creative way. Any ideas? Thank you in advance for your