Pinning Ceremony Troubles


Hi! My school hasn't had a date for our pinning ceremony until today and we only have 3 weeks until our last day. Our pinning will be a month and a half afterwards. We wanted to be pinned before taking our NCLEX. Is there anything we could do about this outcome?

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

Did you ask the school officials (such as the Dean of your program) why this date was chosen? The first step in addressing any problem is getting the facts. You may find that this date was dictated by factors outside the control of the nursing faculty. Or you may find out that the date is flexible, and you can gather a group of students to propose an alternative.

Two life lessons that will serve you very well in your career and life:

1. First, seek to understand those you disagree with.

2. When you bring a problem, also bring a solution.

Specializes in ER.

There is no guarantee that you would be taking NCLEX that soon anyway. One person took her NCLEX within a month of graduating. Mine was about 1 month and 3 weeks. You do have factors in your favor like you would be in the middle of a semester so they may not be receiving as many applications as say April/May/June or November/December/January. Most of our class tested 2 to 3 months out from the graduating date.

Not to mention that the testing centers also schedule other tests such as PA tests, dental school tests, paramedic tests, NP tests, etc. So you are competing against other students for a spot to test. I took my EMT, paramedic, and nursing school tests all in the same testing center.

Hi! My school hasn't had a date for our pinning ceremony until today and we only have 3 weeks until our last day. Our pinning will be a month and a half afterwards. We wanted to be pinned before taking our NCLEX. Is there anything we could do about this outcome?

I second Double Helix. You're asking us if there is anything you can do about changing the date, but we have no control at all. In fact, it's you who has the ability to speak with administration to find out why this date was chosen and if there is any flexibility with changing it.

Before you meet, you should be prepared to answer some numbers. Exactly how many students in your total graduating population do not want that date, and you should be prepared to explain how you arrived at that number, For instance, did you do a poll, have a list of names, or are you going to say "I know a lot of us want to change the date"? You can't speak for a class without facts and support.

Is there a date that your classmates have a consensus, an agreement that it can be moved to Date X and they will all be fine with it? If not, you will have this same problem again, just for a different date.

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