Topics About 'Overtime'.

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  1. I have recently started my first job as a nurse in an ER. My orientation is around 14 weeks, and I have been (and will be) working full time (40 hrs/ week, 80 hrs/pay period). I went to "accept" my...
  2. Mandatory

    I just found out that my hospital in Florida is requiring mandatory to for nurses and pct. My director said all hospitals are doing this across the country. Are others dealing with this and is there...
  3. Brian

    Nurses working overtime

    It seems nurses are working more and more these days. Instead of hiring they just give you more hours. Do you think you spend too much time at work? On average, how many hours do you work per week?...
  4. Mandatory Overtime?

    I work at an ambulatory surgery center that is owned by a big hospital system. They have decided to move away from staff volunteering to stay late to assigning staff as "late person" on our staff...
  5. Mandatory Overtime

    This question is for US nurses. I am a nurse in a unionized hospital within a state that has made mandatory overtime for nurses illegal. We are considering an out-of-state move, and I only...
  6. Is working overtime bad for your health?

    Lately I have been working a lot. Shifts are 8 hours, but I would pick up extra shifts, basically I am picking up shifts on the weekends I'm suppose to be off. Now my mom is telling me not to...
  7. Nurses Celebrate Nurses across the state of Washington celebrated last week when House Bill 1155 passed, creating new break and overtime laws for nurses and other healthcare professionals across...