Topics About 'Nurse Attorney'.

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Found 3 results

  1. Lorie Brown RN, MN, JD

    How Did You Become a Nurse Attorney?

    There was no divine plan or calling for me to become a nurse attorney. But there was a path that brought me here and I am so grateful. The Beginning... When I was 10 years old and at Summer camp, I fell off a horse and hit my head. When I ca...
  2. Nursing licensure has been on my mind lately. I just taught an NCLEX test prep course to some recent RN grads, and there are always test questions on licensure and negligence. I had a lively discussion with my students about being reported to the boa...
  3. Nurse Attorneys have earned nursing and law degrees and can represent medical professionals in court. Many individuals find themselves in situations where their nursing license is on the line and require someone who specializes in the Law and Nu...