Topics About 'Neurological Nursing'.

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  1. Every nurse has their specialty, an area of nursing with which they are most comfortable and have the most experience. One system that transcends all specialties is the neurologic system. Neurologic events occur in any patient population. Whether you...
  2. What is Nursing? The ANA (American Nurses Association) describes nursing as a highly specialized profession that is the adhesive that supports the entire healthcare journey of an individual, as a science which employs critical thinking, and as an...
  3. Difference Between Lethargic And Obtunded

    I'm a new RN, and new on a neuro trauma ICU. It is very important that I understand assessment descriptions. My last pt. was an SAH/SDH whose only response was localization to deep (and I mean deep) painful stimuli. No spontaneous movement and follow...
  4. dianah

    Neuroscience Nursing

    Overview Skilled and dedicated nurses, helping patients using their knowledge and skills of Neuroscience Nursing, make an important difference to vulnerable patients of all ages who have neurological disorders. In the highly-specialized area of N...
  5. In 1956, Mayo Clinic physicians Frederick Moersch and Henry Woltman observed 14 patients with varying levels of muscular rigidity in their torsos, abdomens, and thighs. It must have been a baffling presentation. Dr. Moersch and Dr. Woltman were ...