Topics About 'Medical Surgical Nursing'.

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Found 3 results

  1. Kimberly_Madison

    Exploring the Role of Medical-Surgical Nursing

    What is Medical-Surgical Nursing? Medical-surgical nursing, also known as med-surg, or med surg, nursing, is the largest nursing specialty in the United States and focuses on patient-centered care for medical and surgical patients. As the foundat...
  2. allnurses

    Medical-Surgical Nurses Week 2017

    The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses wants to recognize and identify the contributions of med-surg nurses all year round but especially this week. Med-surge nurses form the basis of almost all nursing care. It is the fundamental practice of nursing...
  3. traumaRUs

    Medical-Surgical Nursing (Med-Surg)

    Overview Medical-Surgical (med-surg) nursing is the basis of all nursing practice. In years past, nurses were either medical or surgical nurses because there were no specialty nursing choices. Currently, med-surg nurses make up the largest compon...