Topics About 'Heparin'.

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Found 9 results

  1. Heparin bolus administration

    When giving a Heparin bolus, and the vial is 10,000 units/10mL (1000units/mL concentration), and the bolus is to be for 4000units, would you not draw 4mL into a syringe and give it IVP? (This is the bolus that precedes an infusion with a bag that is ...
  2. Table of Contents What is Heparin? History of Anticoagulants Heparin Overdoses Indications and Contraindications Interactions and Adverse Effects Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) Ph...
  3. Hi! I’m a new grad currently orienting to my unit and this question came up the other day. Basically, I was heparin locking a PICC at shift change. I disconnected the IV tubing, scrubbed the hub, attached a saline syringe and checked blood return the...
  4. Hello to you all, first of all excuse any mistake cause I am not a native speaker of the English language. I study paramedics and currently I am on my first year. So, we had a conversation at class about IV infusions and our teacher told us to NEVER ...
  5. Heparin Practices

    I would like some input from my dialysis nurses, both acute and outpatient regarding the use of heparin where they work. I recently transitioned from outpatient, adult, dialysis to outpatient pediatric/inpatient pediatric/inpatient adult dialysis and...
  6. Maximum number of IV meds & lines

    What is the maximum number of medications ( and IV lines ) that can safely be infused to the patient and the priorities and protocols , relating to infusions. Patient will have a 3-4 port central line as a given. Patient needs TPN , Propofol, PRBC's,...
  7. Heparin Drips And Lab Draws

    I've had the conversation with 2 or 3 different pharmacists lately who have all agreed that it is unnecessary to pause a heparin drip for 10 or 15 minutes before drawing a ptt, yet I still see nurses doing it. Does anyone still do this and if so...
  8. Dear Nurse Beth, Hi. Fairly new LPN working on night shift at assisted living facility after previously working as a school nurse. I have orders to give heparin 1 ml but it’s in an insulin syringe 100 units. 100 units is equal to 1 ml, yes? So I give...
  9. Heparin Drips

    I've always wondered why so many nurses think that it is necessary to pause a heparin drip for 10-15min before drawing a pTT. I've talked to multiple doctors, pharmacists, and other IV therapists (not to mention a bit of Googling) and have yet to hea...