Topics About 'Ghost Stories'.

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  1. I have the rare and distinct honor of working in the ICU of one of Chicago's most prestigious and longest-standing hospitals. Don't get me wrong, I busted my backside getting here, with a large helping of luck along the way. When I started this past ...
  2. The Little Girl in Room 421 (creepy)

    Mae was a 72 year old congestive heart failure patient who was sharp as a tack and always making jokes. She was what we called a frequent flyer, since her chronic condition flared up frequently landing her in the hospital. She was a sound sleeper and...
  3. Ruby Vee

    Ghost Building

    I've always wondered what happens to the ghosts that haunt a building once the building is demolished. Do they go off into oblivion once the building is gone? Or do they stay at the longitude and latitude where the building once stood? It was a famou...
  4. Ruby Vee

    Rehab's Ghost

    I've come to the conclusion that every hospital -- and probably nursing homes, funeral homes and assisted livings -- have their ghosts. Certainly I've encountered many of them over my decades of nursing. My mother used to claim that she'd see them al...
  5. One Last Goodbye

    One night as I was the charge nurse and the ER nurse all rolled into one, I received a call from the front desk that I had a patient in the car downstairs and I needed to open the ambulance door so I could get him into the ER. As I ran down, I was wo...
  6. The Old Nurse

    I blame my ghost story on a dog named Hootie. After the accident, I had no pain, but thought I might die. I wasn't scared, and some odd things seemed pretty cool. Like, I'd catch glimpses of sky in a lime-green color like my favorite popsicle. ...
  7. The Phone Call from Beyond

    About twelve years ago, I was working nights as an LPN at an inpatient hospice unit. It was a quiet night. I was sitting in a patient's room with the patient and her family. I will call the patient "Gladys." Gladys was quietly actively dying, and her...
  8. What in the world? I was standing in the storeroom on North Wing - and it was huge. Unlike the cramped space on our floor that had obviously been an old broom closet, this was a complete patient room that had been turned into storage; the old callbel...
  9. A Kid's Note

    Since my first day of duty in the Pediatric unit of the hospital, my colleagues had been telling me about the unusual noise I would probably be hearing during midnight. I did not take it seriously because in the first place, I don't believe in such h...
  10. Ruby Vee

    Martha, The Helpful Ghost

    It's been my experience that every hospital has a ghost or two . . . although it seems that only certain people ever see them. I think part of it is you need to be open to seeing them and maybe part of it is luck. I'm just lucky I guess. In every hos...