Topics About 'Foley'.
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Found 12 results
I had an elderly female patient with advanced dementia who required a Foley Cath. Her family very much wanted it done, and before her disease progressed, she herself wanted everything done for her as well. Her survival was at risk without the cathete...
I just rented the first disc of the first season of Scrubbs from Netflix, which probably most everyone here knows is a humourous show about some medical interns. (I don't have cable nor do I watch TV) The show was recommended by one of our hospitalis...
Please help! I completely stink at female foleys. I work in the OR, and before that, I didn't get a chance to do them a whole lot. I guess I have an advantage, because the pt is not moving, but I cant find a urethra to save my life and it is so embar...
I work in a Neuro ICU and we have had a huge problem with CAUTI this year. Our hospital hired some outside infection control person to come over see our unit and one other. One of the new things they added was placing curos caps on the sampling port....
I'm practicing for a school checkoff doing a foley. Sterile technique is the biggest thing we're focusing on. There is a tray that sits in the top part of the box that the cath comes in. The tray contains the cotton balls & iodine. The catheter s...
I am a student and have never removed a Foley until today. I needed guidance and was instructed and watched by my clinical instructor. The patient was elderly but sitting in chair just finishing his lunch. Under my clinical instructors instruction as...
Hello fellow nurses! I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. Last night my patient asked me why her urine in the Foley drainage bag would be bloody or pink-tinged if the catheter is in her pee hole (urethra)? To me, I never gave this much thought bec...
If a pt complains of bladder pain with a Foley catheter they have had a few days (and I know it could be bladder spasms but just to troubleshoot..) thoughts are to bladder scan and make sure the catheter is draining urine and that the urine is n...
Does anybody work at a facility that has a policy requiring you to have a witness for a foley start? I'm on a travel assignment, fairly new to my current facility. Someone (who was not a superior or lateral to me "rank" wise) decided to suggest I get...
Hello! I am new to allnurses and am looking for some insight. Where I work doesn't supply Foley kits, just the supplies for the catheters. So the other RNs use the sterile gloves as their sterile field. They open the gloves, then drop the catheter on...
I am struggling with documentation. How would I document for the given scenario?
L.M ;56 year old female.
VS- 36.4; 80; 20; 120/85; Sa02 is 90% in RA
MD orders indicate that his Sa02 need to be over 95%.
1. Administer oxygen as or...
So, the other day, with the help of a coworker, I successfully placed a Foley catheter into a male for the first time...or, did I? My coworker had me keep inserting the catheter into his member until we got urine return. When we saw urine output, we ...