Topics About 'Family Dynamics'.

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Found 7 results

  1. SpecialK38

    Motherhood, Death and Nursing

    Two more children came along, and I stayed home with the three of them until they all began school. I love being a mom! I was with them for every first word, first step, and first day of school. Finally the day came for me to pursue my dream of becom...
  2. My Brother James

    I can remember countless hours of video games (he'd decide on one as his favorite, and play it incessantly for months, encouraging the family to join him), the fights, the talks... but what stands out most is the fact that he always looked up to me. ...
  3. My Father, His Final Lesson

    I remember the day we went to the oncologist with my father. The doctor came in said hello, and before he finished sitting down, he had delivered the bombshell, "you have less than 6 months to live." I remember being so angry at him, and me the meek ...
  4. Unaffected by the waves slapping against the sides in a timeless hypnotic rhythm, we continue onward on some mysterious journey my mind has chosen to make me aware we must absolutely take. I am warm. I am content. I am happy. What I am NOT, is afraid...
  5. It was a week before Christmas when he had an unexpected accident at home, and my twin sister had found him on the garage floor. He had fallen out of the 12-foot ceiling and onto the cement floor. He was trying to get the Christmas tree. He required ...
  6. Having been a nurse of some type over the last 30 years. I have had many patients who have endeared my heart to further my education in nursing. I have two particular patients to whom I owe my education in life and nursing. The first patient was...
  7. Families are the basic unit of our society. One of the most stressful events in a family occurs when a member has a health crisis and comes to the emergency department. Family presence is often the only comfort these families can provide to their lov...