Topics About 'Emergency Room'.

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Found 6 results

  1. And did you have to treat them? I am just curious. Your stories always seem to either crack me up or shake my head in amazement. Thanks for sharing 😀
  2. Christina Whalen

    Top Skills for the ER Nurse

    Today's nursing professionals must have an increasingly complex set of skills and abilities to thrive in their health care careers. That is even more important in the ER setting, where decisions must be made quickly and decisively. Being an ER nurse ...
  3. emtpbill

    ER Holding Due To No Beds

    As a new nurse and previous medic who is used to dropping patients off in the ER after a 15-30 minute transport time, as an ER RN I’m seeing patients that I am treating in the ER on day shift, and when I come back the next morning the same patients a...
  4. As 2015 was nearing its end, so too was my final semester of nursing school. My mood was good. I already had a job lined up, and I felt fairly confident that I would do fine on my final exams. Some time in those final weeks, however, a surge of anxie...
  5. I Made A Mistake

    Let me start with my background. I’ve been a nurse for almost three years. I stared off on a trauma/surgical step down unit for a year- only left to relocate closer to home. From there, I went on to a neuro ICU unit and stayed for about 10 months. LO...
  6. "Go check the waiting room!" I looked up sharply from the ER nursing schedules I was doing. It was 10:30 p.m. I would be done by 11 p.m. Did I hear that or was it my imagination? There was no one in the office but me! I got up and stretched. Sli...