Topics About 'Elder Abuse'.

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Found 4 results

  1. 'Elderizing' a home means making the necessary modifications to safeguard the elderly occupants, particularly in reducing risk for falls. Extensive renovations may be required to accommodate physical changes or medical conditions (such as hearing los...
  2. flightnurse2b

    A Patient Made Me Cry Today

    When he arrived to the floor, I couldn't honestly tell if he was breathing. His gaze was fully deviated, he was contracted to one side, and had incredibly shallow, labored mouth breathing. I pulled him from the stretcher to the bed, got down to his e...
  3. TheCommuter

    Different Types Of Elder Abuse

    Although I no longer work in the long term care industry, I am still acquainted with people who work in local LTC facilities. My close friend, a nurse manager at a local nursing home, griped to me about a recent state survey that involved two assista...
  4. Redefining "Abuse"

    Abuse, within the context of geriatrics and especially long-term care, is a well-documented global phenomenon. Geriatric citizens are already a marginalized and oppressed demographic, so it's not surprising that abuse is interwoven throughout the liv...