Topics About 'Drips'.

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Found 9 results

  1. Hello fellow nurses, I need your input! I work for a large hospital system in Texas. Recently management rolled out a class that is mandatory for all nurses. It's called "Advancing Acute Care Nursing" and this class entails is teaching how to titrat...
  2. gonzo1

    Weaning Drips

    I have a pt on Levo, Nimbex, Propofol and Fentanyl. I was trying weaning the Nimbex down very slowly, and then I went down on the fentanyl from like 50 to 40. So day shift comes in and says you can't wean sedation when someone is on Nimbex. I post...
  3. Multiple Drip Management tips/tricks

    Hi all! Working on a project and gathering some tips/tricks/wish you had knowns for a) ICU drips and b) managing multiple drips. For example, Amio must be on a filtered line, Albumin needs the vent open and can spike with a needle to help air flow, e...
  4. Question: patient has a triple lumpen pic with continuous milrinone drip. The line running milrinone is patent but other lumens are sluggish/occluded. Can you leave milrinone drip running while declotting other lumens with cathflo?
  5. IV Drip Rates

    Hey ya'll. I have a very random question. I always always taught that if you have an IV drip set to less than 10ml an hour that you need a carrier for it so that it will get to the patient. I just started my first travel nurse job and this unit does ...
  6. Insulin drips patients on L&D

    Does this occur in your facility? Is this common or are they transferred to ICU? What is your facilities policy regarding pregnant patients needing insulin drips?
  7. Florence NightinFAIL

    Re: Weight based critical drips

    I'm a PACU nurse that has been redeployed to ICU a few times past 3 months. I'm wondering for the weight based infusions, what weight do you guys enter and how often do you update? Actual weight, ideal weight or lean body weight? So far, I've taken o...
  8. Heparin Drips And Lab Draws

    I've had the conversation with 2 or 3 different pharmacists lately who have all agreed that it is unnecessary to pause a heparin drip for 10 or 15 minutes before drawing a ptt, yet I still see nurses doing it. Does anyone still do this and if so...
  9. Amiodarone Drip

    Just wondering what the protocol is concerning amiodarone drips once the patient converts as I haven't noticed consistency on how this is handled by nurses. The amio is to infuse at 33 ml/hr x 6 hrs then 16.7ml/hr for 18 hours. If the patient conve...