Topics About 'Aesthetics'.

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  1. The field of aesthetic medicine continues to grow, with an increasing demand for skilled practitioners who can provide cosmetic treatments and aesthetic care. Aesthetic Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) play a vital role in this field, offering special...
  2. Hi there everyone! I know there are a lot of Nurses interested in entering the Aesthetic field so I wanted to post about my experiences and how to get there. I started as a labour and delivery nurse, but knew I wanted to get into Medical Ae...
  3. I am a new graduate and have offers at laser away as an aesthetic RN and also in med surg. Would you recommend to start in med surg or hospital and later do aesthetic nursing? I am just worried if I do aesthetic nursing it limits me as to what other ...
  4. PHMNP to aesthetic nursing

    I am interested in becoming a psychiatric nurse practitioner because I just love working in the mental health field yet I am very interested in aesthetic's. I have been watching Youtube videos and I watched one with a FMNP who is an aesthetic nurse p...
  5. FNP in aesthetics?

    I graduate with my FNP, DNP in May 2023. I have always had an interested in aesthetics and dermatology however, I am currently in my specialty rotation at a derm clinic and I find myself questioning if this is what I want to specialize in as a future...
  6. Aesthetic nurses (also known as cosmetic or plastic surgery nurses) provide patient care and assistance within a variety of procedural and perioperative settings to improve or enhance the patient's appearance. Aesthetic Nurses assist in: Sm...
  7. Aesthetic Nurse

    Hello! I completed aesthetic beauty courses in Virginia in May, I have a license, I do not have much practice in the field at the moment, so do you think this specialization is promising? Who may have completed such courses and can share their experi...